End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Let me spell it out for you.


massively multiplayer online role-playing games “Not playing alone”

Does that help, or do I need to hold your hand for you to understand.

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The auction house is enough of a way to interact with others without actually doing so that is good for the solo experience. MMO means many players. Not forced group content.


It’s a nice idea, but at the end of the day it would be another system to balance.

No it can’t. Effort is not the same. Solo questing in the world is akin to participation trophies.

Just because you show up and partake in an activity doesn’t make it equal to other activities.

You are with the current reward system. Some people even think you’re over compensated.

Spending 4 hours drawing circles with a pen isn’t the same as spending 4 hours writing a paper.

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Did you play BFA?

Was Benthic gear not part of BFA? To use one of your arguments, the gear would be along the lines it is now, I.E. Korthia gear is suitable to start normal or even heroic SoD, but gear from SoD (due to dom sockets or effects) is still better then the Korthia stuff, only reason I’d let the dom gear available from Lorthia slide is cause it is similarly itemized to a piece that drops for SoD (same stats and everything). At the same time however, Korthia gear could have things like increased speed while in Korthia, extra damage to Korthia mobs, increased tertiary stats (leech) while in Korthia, etc.

It would be like questing/mythic 0 gear being good enough to start raiding/low M+, but if the bonuses don’t work in instances, it would just be due to the stats.

The issue here is to some “with other people” means in groups, one could be a gatherer for a guild and stimm meet that “with other people” requirement even if they did their gathering solo. There were also thigns that the server/faction had to workd towards that could be done solo or in a group.

In essence, the in group argument falls flat, as you could be a lone wolf and still be playing “with other people” with systems like shared tags.

From day 1 of development they designed wow to be played with other people. They have only loosened it over time. There used to be group quests in random quest chains and back in the day they were not soloable (at least not by me lol)

Exactly. I think the game that people are looking for already exists and is not wow. I hear there are other games that are great fantasy solo player games. Idk why people want to morph wow into what it has never been or been intended to be.

Oh the delicious tears of mage tower dropped 252 loot lmao. It would have been priceless.

Obviously no one has any stats except bliz but my hunchbis that that is the extreme minority and I don’t want them designing for the extreme minority. I want them designing more form majority so everyone has more to do. What’s why while they put in simple titles etc for the top key pushers etc I don’t want them fully redesigning keys for the top bracket of people even though I am almost in that bracket.


This is true, but we also had times like visions where it was true that we had options to play by ourself. Not to mentions features like archeology that were solo activities that didn’t make it into the game this expansion. We barely got stuff like fishing content, like we do in prevous expansions, Legion had a whole fishing legendary. Professions aren’t as useful or that much recipes compared to last expansions. I think brawler’s guild was a nice solo thing that isn’t up either. Magetower is up only like 2 weeks out of the year. Torgast you can only queue for 2 wings out of 6 per week. No loot is given, barely any cosmetics tied to it like island expeditions.

They decided to make this expansion overall more toward world content tied to rares. It’s not fun to wait for things to spawn. I doubt you would appreciate waiting 1 hour for a boss to spawn in mythic plus.

Solo content can give competitive loot. I talked about it in another thread with different bonuses same ilvl. Such as stuff like increased leech, increased damage mitigation, increased anima powers in torghast. Increased powers when not in group to make soloing old raids and content easier. Maybe something like conduits where it buffs self healing spells in certain solo modes and when you are by yourself.

Group content so far has the best solo gear through raw stats. I don’t think every wow player wants to group all the time. Nor does making people group for power rewards necesarrily a good thing. Like you have mentioned in other threads you want io when you pug mythics wheras others would maybe want to do a completion run for the gear. If people had more options they could maybe do the stuff they want to do for there gear.

Wow has many fun specs to play. Groups don’t necessarily want those specs equally nor are they viable to play in group content nor are the same attractiveness at high end. I think more loot would help encourage players to play the game differently and enjoy it differently. I often play specs that are not meta and find fun with them. Groups tend to not want to group with players that play these specs, where I play them in stuff like torghast and they feel good. Just isn’t as fun in other parts of the game.

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I think this is the man reason solo players want progression via solo content. To put it in perspective, it is akin to those that complain about needed to do PvP to get into PvE or vice versa.

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Yeah, I already referenced “mmo” and the fact that wow is in that genre.

I was asking because of how annoying carrying multiple sets of gear was.

As a warlock main in BFA I had 5 sets I carried around and had to upgrade every tier.

Desto single target
Destro two target
Destro pvp

As a pure dps class.

Having to carry around that much gear was awful. It’s why I will always oppose having to have multiple sets for open world content raid content arena content and mplus content.

I don’t think people should be penalized in one aspect of the game by having their gear ilvl reduced.

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The people that are doing content high enough that they feel the need to pvp I order to push PVE content are not the same as people killing some rares for a quest.

Most people who PvE dont feel the need to pvp for gear for it. That is top few percentile type stuff. I pushed all 20s with my friends none of whom raided so we did it without any dom gear and without max conduits. Later I decided I wanted to push further so we had to start raiding but timed 20s already out us in the top idk 5-10% maybe without it.

Another reason I’d not make gear from other content trash, ones like me make hybrid sets to do the content we do. Is it the best for the content? not always but since we are not doing mythic raids, or at least far into such, or higher keys, it does not matter.

At most I carry around 2 sets:
along with trinkets I can swap based on the fight

I would not be reducing ilvl so much as limiting where bonuses were active, like dom socket set bonuses are only active in the maw, torghast, Korthia and SoD, no place else.

Top few percentile stuff that tends to trickle down, think of how many were doing PvP in castle Nathria just because the PvP gear was easier and higher ilvl then anything else excpet possibly gear from Castle Nathria.

Imo the issue to address there or try to at least is the social element of the tricke down. Just like how if people think they need mage, rogue, Windwalker for their +9 then they are wrong.
I think the classes are close enough in terms of balance that I would generally rather they try to fix other things than haller our the last couple of percentile differences which will only change the meta not stop it anyway. Obviously there are some that need bringing back up or down like survival when it’s their set was busted on ptr etc but generally speaking I don’t think the performance between classes is the problem.

It’s a people problem thinking they need the 1% gain when they would get more than that by playing better.

I think the same applies here.

And some people think we aren’t. Weird how that works.

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Nope. Everyone has opinions. The difference is the people who think they aren’t don’t actually play the game.

The internet isn’t the best place for sarcasm due to the tone of voice not being able to be heard… just a bit of life advice.

In WoD s1 as a 2600cr ele I was continually declined from even 1300 RBGs for cap groups.

If you want to fight the community perception problems with the meta then create content that allows people to make meaningful progression with their characters that isn’t dependent on the arbitrary gatekeeping.

Yes some people enforcing these restrictions at low levels can be ridiculous, but in the end they’re just valuing their time differently. They don’t want to gamble their time they want to go with what they personally know/think will work.

On the flip side I know for a fact I run some sewer water builds and specs. I don’t have the audacity to try and make random strangers play around my wonky builds while pushing for their personal bests or near it. Give players like me content where we don’t have to A be neckbeard bouncer checked at the door, and B content where I don’t have to worry about wasting someone’s time because I’m trying to have fun.


I agree with this. I often find fun fun making off meta specs builds work in games.

Or like in pokemon, I sometimes do stuff like theme teams or like all dark type or all poison type teams to make it a little different.

Or in games like destiny. They have clear meta guns, buts you can still make other guns in work in pve.

Solo play opens up that viability without criticism from group environments. Random bgs were a nice place to play any spec you wanted even if it wasnt viable.

Locking upgrades behind rated group content just made playing that way not as efficient or fun since gearing is tied to group stuff and people want to maximize there odds of success. Wheras in solo play you choose what you want at your own personal consequences.


I know what you mean. Did you play around with different Corruption builds in BfA 8.3?

There was the meme Destruction Warlock Haste build or the Fire Mage Mastery build (combining Azerite traits and Corruptions that increased a certain secondary stat with Corruptions that increased that same secondary stat constantly by a flat percentage), but you could also try builds that were not optimal performance wise, but a lot of fun in solo challenges like 5-mask Horrific Visions. (For example, Elemental Shamans could get over 100% Mastery to guarantee a ton of elemental overloads, although the damage would have been better with more Versatility and Haste. Or a lot of melee specs felt better to play with Haste fully stacked, even though it wasn’t optimal damage.)

Even in Shadowlands, solo content can definitely be an opportunity to try out non-optimal legendaries, talents, or conduits because no one is going to call you out for not simming your character or running the optimal build.