I can partly blame myself sure. Doesn’t change the fact that this game needs improvements to catch up with newer games and more leniency. I can only control what I do, if doing group content is a bad experience why would I keep wanting to do it? If I wasn’t wanting the gear for other things I probably would stop pugging, unless it’s something I wanted to do.
Isn’t the difficulty in an MMO technically raids/PvP? Just as say with… Apex it’s succeeding in a team of 3? Or in Overwatch succeeding in a group of 5?
I’m not against solo content by any means. If Blizzard finds a way to add it that appeases everyone, cool. My gut tells me solo won’t involve getting the same gear as the other two routes.
Gearing is a core part of the MMO grind. PvP and PvE (And eventually solo) have different grinds. There’s an advantage going all the way in PvE then doing PvP, but you’re not full power yet. Same for vice versa.
I reckon solo content would be the same way. Advantage in PvP and PvE but not 100%.
P.S. For the record I hate PvP gearing. I would gladly see it gone. Doubt it will ever happen.
What is your argument then?
This is a large thread. I’m not going to read each and every comment. I’m merely responding to the one I saw, which was the claim that solo players are the extreme minority.
You don’t have any evidence to back this up. It’s all pure conjecture. I’m not saying you’re wrong or right. Solo players could very well be the minority; however, there’s no fundamental way for us to prove that.
They can at least mix it up a little, like if the tea testing could be in different areas of Korthia, the ride the Night Fae stag could have the current kill x mobs while riding or take down a “commander” with it.
It is also one reason why SOME of us are pushing for at least more interesting solo content as while solo players are not likely to do raid (above LFR) or M+, Raider and M+ runners do solo content to eke out that last bit of DPS/HPS/Survivability.
This is at least one reason why I am more for the upgrade system that rewards those that do more faster yet even solo players can eventually get upgrades by patch’s end and/or a scaling difficulty system where people can work their way up, might somethings be too hard for people at first? YES, but they can work on the lower difficulties and get better, maybe realize they have hit their skill cap and move on or at least work towards the one thing that can off-set skill issues (gear).
Reward systems should be based on 1 of 2 things:
Difficulty: Higher difficulty awards better gear at a reasonably fast pace
Time: This alone can provide gear at a snail’s pace or always be less then the difficulty path.
In the long run it should be, using a vacation analogy, the players that do the difficulty path are able to take say a WDW vacation every year and stay at the top resorts, eat at the top restaurants, etc. while those that take the time path can only manage the vacation every 3-6 years and are limited to budget resorts and food, while those that mix the 2 but not to the level of the top can manage it every 2-5 years but have access to the moderate resorts and such.
That in order for there to be a solo type progression system that awards mythic gear it has to be equally as difficult as the other avenues to get said gear
In the current system solo content is way too trivial to award 252 gear because it’s too simple. Infact Korthia gear at 233 was too high.
Gear awards should be equal to the difficulty required.
I don’t blame you for that. However the comment about solo players being a minority is based on the argument of solo players pretending to be casuals.
I never said there was a way to prove that. It’s just me applying common sense.
If casual is the biggest body of players casual players partake in different aspects of the game at multiple levels.
They raid normal/heroic
They arena
They do mplus
Therefor a solo player doesn’t fall under the casual term. You constantly see solo players trying to hide under the casual banner to strengthen their argument.
I don’t deny not all people raid mythic. I don’t pretend to be a casual
Mythic raider to boost my argument
There’s a huge flaw in this argument, and it’s assuming that people are asking for overworld gear to provide mythic level gear. I don’t think anyone is asking that. OP actually said that in her post:
There isn’t. Gear rewards should be equal
To the difficulty of the content. World quests are not anywhere close to being difficult.
People have asked for it.
Also one thing to keep in mind is that Korthia already awards 233 gear which is equal to normal raid loot.
233 gear isn’t enough which means they want at the minimum 239. However that won’t be enough either and they will want more.
If you honestly think 239 gear should be rewarded for doing world quests we won’t find any common ground.
Also just because they say that isn’t what they want doesn’t mean it isn’t actually what they want.
Some of them are asking for the ZM gear to not be nerfed to LFR level, not for Korthia gear to be upgrade to H level. I still think they are wrong on that just a note.
Are they asking for it in this thread? If so, where, and are these people a large section of those asking for better gear? OP certainly isn’t. From what I’ve read, I haven’t seen anyone ask for it. What does it matter what others have said if the people here aren’t engaging with that mindset in particular?
This is a completely bias stance to make. You can’t hold people to things that they haven’t said. That’s unfair to them, and makes it near impossible to properly engage with anything you say, because you’re immediately arguing with them from a completely different angle.
I think this applies to Shadowlands as well as TBC classic I’m playing.
Blizzard, for changing the game so the solo/casual experience has gone from fun and rewarding to garbage.
The false premise you are trying to convince people of here is that there never was any solo/casual content in the game before, nor were there solo/casual players. Everybody cleared Naxramas in your fantasy world. No, wait, 59 guilds in EU and NA combined cleared that raid. That’s next to nobody.
The question is, why do you believe wow has always been the hardest core of hardcore games, a game that could not be played in any way without an organized group, when the original selling point was that it was the easy MMO that anybody could log into and play at any time, even if their friends were not available?
It has been asked in this thread about 1000 plus responses ago.
It’s not biased when it played out this expansion.
In 9.0 all these self appointed solo players claimed they didn’t care “how long of a grind it took”
Blizz gave them what they asked for and gave them normal end boss loot and a long grind.
It’s been nothing but complaints since. Now Blizz is reverting the solo gear buff they gave solo players.
Solo and casual are not the same thing. Also just because your experience is bad doesn’t mean all casual players experience is bad.
I have NEVER once said there isn’t or wasn’t any solo content in this game. I’m saying that the primary way to obtain gear from vanilla to legion was raiding or pvp.
The only one in a Fantasy world here is you.
I never said WoW was a hardcore game
I said the game has been designed as raiding and group content are the primary form of endgame. Anyone with common sense can look at the way this game was designed and developed that solo play isn’t the main form of play this game is designed around.
That doesn’t mean solo play doesn’t exist.
Except… solo players and casuals are usually one in the same
Let’s be honest here, if you’re a Mythic raider/group-oriented/social player, that’s not really a casual. Or if you’re a hi-rated PvP player with a static/premade group that’s not really a casual either. Same goes for a hi-rated M+'er doing high keys with a static/premade group.
You say this all the time. C’mon. I read what you say.
It’s you, in thinking that by trashing other players and constantly calling them “bad” to show us just what kind of awful human beings elites are you can somehow “win” the war on casuals you are fighting right now. You are an advertisement for what it is to be an elite. And nobody’s buying. The more you project to us what awful human being elites are, the more players you drive from the game.
You have already lost. You are personally responsible in part for the no win situation blizzard is in.
No, he is and advertisement for what it is to be an elitist. The true elite likely don’t care as they have their things already or shortly after raid release. Elitists on the other hand are the ones that try and dictate what others deserve and should get. The elite are welcome, the elitists deserve nothing but to be knocked to the proverbial ground and trampled and when they try to complain, kicked in the head. In other words, treat them how they have treated others, I am not saying to do it physically, but anything else goes.
No they actually aren’t. Solo players refuse to do group content.
Casual players do all levels of content from entry/mid/high levels of raiding mythic plus and pvp.
Let’s be honest here. You don’t know what casual means. Casual is nothing but a measure of time.
The guy who raids 6 hours a week or does mplus arena 2 nights a week is more casual than the guy doing rp or battle pets for 10 hours everyday.
If y’all stop feeding it, it will go away. ^
No point
No I haven’t. You just have me confused with someone else. Please link it then.
I haven’t trashed anyone for being a solo player.
The only person I trashed in this thread was the grey parsing hunter that claimed to be good.
I haven’t lost anything. You can’t even say anything about me without lying about it.
Any interaction from elitists should be met with flippant, facetious responses. Trying to form anything intellectual beyond that threshold will only be met with egotistical, pretentious comments about how we know nothing and that we’re nothing more than lowly WoW players who don’t understand what makes the game good or fun.
The elitists are truly too big brain for us.