End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

Imagine being unable to refute points without personal insults.

I can have thoughtful conversations with people that don’t throw tantrums and whine about things. Sorry that you don’t qualify.

Th only objective claim I made was that solo players and casual players are not the same.

endgame of raids, Mythic dungeons, and rated PvP.

You’re out of your mind… majority of players participate in mythic+ content even in lower keys, they do heroics dungeons, they also do battlegrounds and normal or heroic raids at least.

I really don’t get where you want your ilvl from? pet battles? random stuff like dailies to get top tier gear or something? Dude if you don’t like ANY challenge, love to get rewards for doing literally nothing and want to make this game become a MOBILE game then this game is not for you. Go play Lost Ark or some other VERY casual games. WoW is simply not the game for you at all.

Majority of players don’t want to suffer from boredom, easiness of content just because it’s catered to total newbs or people who play this game for 10-15 years but are stuck in 2006 still turning around with keyboard or clicking spells. Give me a break dude. Improve and find like minded people or just stick to casual stuff but don’t expect to be the best.

I can’t stand players like you and I’m not even elitist or doing mythic raids. I clear heroic raids because they’re easy, do high mythic+ keys and do some arenas. I still do it casually. Just git gud son or leave the game.

Also this is MMORPG so the highest content REQUIRES playing with other people and it should be that way. If you want solo RPG there are plenty of choices.

End the war on solo gameplay, so that WoW can go back to being WoW.

It won’t. It will become a mobile game as boring as Lost Ark or BDO and will die even quicker.

Seems to be the case, especially given they haven’t killed mythic sylvanas and their parses on hunter, and even worse rogue are green/grey yet talks about ‘what takes the most skill to beat’.

Your entire argument is that solo players are the minority. Is that not an objective claim?

I didn’t get anything from vault for 2-3 months. While still raiding.

I was pugging full heroic clears on this hunter while I geared it. Most of the time didn’t have any issues especially this late in the tier.

Oh no! Snozh won’t engage with me even though I’ve never tried to engage with him anyways!

My life is over!


Heroic is like the old normal right? If you like that mode that’s nice for you. I prefer the dungeons with less people and more aoe.

Solo gearing still feels bad. And I hope devs improve it for people that want to gear by themselves.


You mean just like solo players being funneled into grouped content that we don’t want to play right?

God forbid mythic raiders play any part of the game besides raiding!


He’s talking about raiding and gearing through that. Wheras when I group I like mythic plus because I prefer doing aoe rotations.

Yeah, I misread the original post. "Scuse me.

I’d hate to embarrass you any more.

They are trying to gaslight readers by telling us that 100% of players during vanilla raided in hardcore guilds; that there was never any casual or solo content that could be soloed in the game, and everything had to be completed as a guild group; that there were no casuals or solo players. It’s part of a bizarre campaign to convince players that there were always convoluted systems and restrictions and requirements, and 100% of players loved them, players who only came to play wow because it was the hardest core game ever created.

Totally wrong, but when you have had nothing to do with anyone but a tiny number of elite players for decades (because the existence of normies gives them the feeling their safe space is being violated), and somehow think that’s being “sociable”, you’re a joke.

If only they could convince the handful of casuals and solo players reading this that they deserve no content nor rewards, then those people would stop leaving the game. And 10 million casuals would come back! Even though they never existed…

Nah normal is the old normal.

You can’t level a toon and then just expect to go into mythic. You have to gear it out. Also you have to gear in heoric for dom shards and embers.

That’s because it’s not a designed part of endgame and that’s what I sense a lot of people can’t seem to understand.

Literally never said that.

Would be nice to see you actually formulate an actual argument instead of making up multiple lies.

I never even commented on vanilla.

Keep lying more.

Like mythic raiders being forced into Korthia and mplus and pvp?

You continue to show how out of depth you are discussing anything raiding related.

Your entire argument is based on assumption you can’t possibly prove to be true, and then you lie about not making objective claims when what you’ve said, and how you frame it, contradicts that.

I’m still waiting on a response that you’ve yet to provide.


You clearly don’t even know what my argument is.

I suggest scrolling back up and reading it over again.

I have responded to you every time.

People do understand it and think its trash and leave. It’s not that people don’t get it. IT’s that its trash design.

Someone has a bad pug experience they don’t want to do it again?

Bad group experience they don’t want to do it again?

Hard to get into a group? They do something else. Play something else.


I mean if you buy a game that’s been based on group endgame for 17+ years and aren’t happy with its solo product then who is really to blame?