Someone’s mad.
Sorry you think telling people to play the game as it’s designed instead of crying about the devs cater to them is knocking them to the ground.
You wouldn’t have ever lasted in MW2 lobbies.
Someone’s mad.
Sorry you think telling people to play the game as it’s designed instead of crying about the devs cater to them is knocking them to the ground.
You wouldn’t have ever lasted in MW2 lobbies.
There it is! See what I mean?
It’s like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The irony is that you can’t have a conversation without insults.
Imagine not being able to have a conversation without personal insults because you lack the ability to formulate a rebuttal.
Just giving you guys the same thing you’re sending me.
The irony is that you actually think I wanted to have a conversation with you in the first place, sweetheart.
The more you say this, the more energy I get.
Yet you keep responding.
The little child energy is strong with you.
Yet you keep responding.
Is this your idea of a conversation? No wonder your arguments and responses are vapid and void of anything coherent.
The little child energy is strong with you.
Staying young at heart is what keeps you healthy.
Someone’s mad.
Mad? no, just tired of toxic BS spewed by you and your ilk.
Sorry you think telling people to play the game as it’s designed
Anyone with a working brain would develop the game to satisfy all kinds of players, currently it is designed for top end game, not for solo players nor ever really for those that dabble in all content.
ater to them is
Sure, asking for more content that all can do is “catering”. I think those asking for mythic level gear from solo/world content are just as bad as ones like you, but I am not one that lumps those with all asking for ways to improve their gear via content they do.
Let me put it this way, elitists are like the experts that, when faced with new information or something that counters old beliefs refuse to adapt, question or adjust their views to mesh with the new. And we should all know what tends to happen to those who don’t adjust or change as new information comes out: they tend to be steamrolled or washed away by time and progress.
hes the stereotype end game player we hear about in preach gammings drama time show.
Anyone with a working brain would develop the game to satisfy all kinds of players, currently it is designed for top end game, not for solo players nor ever really for those that dabble in all content.
This is what really throws me off. So many people are just totally for the idea of this game dying at the expense of keeping with the status quo.
Is that still good for this game? I don’t really care how much you like the idea of mythic-level content getting priority over everything and keeping it that way. It’s clearly not working anymore, and it needs to change, otherwise, we won’t have much of a game to play, and who does that benefit in the end?
Absolutely no one.
Is this your idea of a conversation? No wonder your arguments and responses are vapid and void of anything coherent.
Ahh more insults. You never disappoint with your easily predicted responses.
Mad? no, just tired of toxic BS spewed by you and your ilk.
Facts aren’t toxic.
Anyone with a working brain would develop the game to satisfy all kinds of players, currently it is designed for top end game, not for solo players nor ever really for those that dabble in all content.
Sorry but changing a game that’s been designed xyz way for 17 years isn’t going to change how it’s designed to zyx.
Let me put it this way, elitists are like the experts that, when faced with new information or something that counters old beliefs refuse to adapt, question or adjust their views to mesh with the new. And we should all know what tends to happen to those who don’t adjust or change as new information comes out: they tend to be steamrolled or washed away by time and progress.
Like the children throwing a tantrum because they didn’t get the lollipop at checkout
hes the stereotype end game player we hear about in preach gammings drama time show.
Lol sure thing.
I’d rather be that then the typical whining man child that are the solo players
I haven’t trashed anyone for being a solo player.
This says otherwise
Ahh more insults. You never disappoint with your easily predicted responses.
What makes you think I’m trying to be clever?
I’m just having fun.
This says otherwise
Whoa! You mean to tell me that Snozh, the man with the most integrity and intelligence among us WoW peons, insults people, too?!
Snozh, how could you lie to me?
This says otherwise
At the time I said that it was true. However if people want to throw insults I can throw them back too.
Like the children throwing a tantrum because they didn’t get the lollipop at checkout
One is a whiney brat, the other a supposedly educated person with experience under their belt, both sound the same when things don’t go their way or they are told things they don’t want to hear. Snozh, you have proven yourself time and time again to be blinded by your own bias that you can’t see how you are coming across to others. To sum up the correct response to one like you, using the childish tactics you employ yourself: I am rubber, you are glue, what you say bounces off me and sticks to you.
One is a whiney brat, the other a supposedly educated person with experience under their belt, both sound the same when things don’t go their way or they are told things they don’t want to hear.
The irony is hilarious considering how much of a hypocrite you guys are.
You’re the one who said I needed a beat down because my opinion differs from yours.
If you actually look I respond to people based on how they respond to me.
Lumbagel is one person that had a different opinion than myself and we actually had a conversation.
Once people insult me or catch an attitude then my goal isn’t to have a discussion. It’s to get you as mad as possible because said person has shown they can’t have a rational discussion and get emotional.
I find this all pretty hilarious for sure.
time again to be blinded by your own bias that you can’t see how you are coming across to others
I actually don’t have a bias when someone has an adult conversation with me. However most people that respond to me are emotional because their feelings got hurt.
At the time I said that it was true.
Behold, a list of insults hurled at people for no reason (some offhanded, some not), presented by Snozh:
The delusions of some people never cease to entertain me.
There’s so much dumb in this paragraph I’m not even going to respond.
You’re doing nothing but showing your lack of understanding how the game works.
If you honestly think that group content is people grouping in Korthia you’re even less smart than I thought you were.
Solo players are the people who graduated high school and then entered the work force.
Raiders are the people who went to college and got degrees that matter (not talking about art degrees) or got specialized certifications.
The solo players are more equal to the fast food workers
Your lack of comprehension and lack of common sense are very saddening.
(inb4 Snozh says something akin to the insults he threw at people as not actually being insults because they’re f a c t s, and facts can’t be insults when they’re T R U E)
P.S. There are probably more, but this is 1600+ thread and I don’t feel like spending my entire day digging for comments that will likely not be acknowledged by Snozh because he’s incapable of taking accountability for what he says.
inb4 Snozh says something akin to the insults he threw at people as not actually being insults because they’re f a c t s, and facts can’t be insults when they’re T R U E)
Good job taking things out of context. Notice all of those are in responses to after people insulted me.
Also a few those are giant reaches for being insults.
P.S. There are probably more, but this is 1600+ thread and I don’t feel like spending my entire day digging for comments that will likely not be acknowledged by Snozh because he’s incapable of taking accountability for what he says.
Nah I 100% said them. I suggest actually reading the thread to see how
If you actually look I respond to people based on how they respond to me.