You may be right, but I think at the end of the day, all players are looking for a level of engagement. In MMOs (or pretty much any RPG,) engagement implies some type of progression. True, Korthia does offer progression, but it doesn’t feel like anything is involved except waiting for the next time-gate to open. Torghast offers progression to the next layer, but that’s about it, and your power level is reliant on RNG every run, not on something you’ve progressed.
I think solo players actually did feel engaged early in the game’s history, despite the fact, as you’ve pointed out several times, there was no solo path to raid-equivalent gear.
You keep saying this and I don’t think you have a statistic to back it up. Where does it say that solo players are the extreme minority? Do you have a source that none of us have?
People apply for content to high than what they have gear for. If you’re on an alt that’s 215 and you apply to a “speed run” you’re asking to be carried and that’s not the group you should be applying too.
What a joke. You are constantly telling people they are playing the game wrong. Somebody says they are having fun and you’re throwing a tantrum right here and now. Because for you playing the game isn’t about having fun, and nobody else should be playing the game for fun, either. They are playing the game for the wrong reason if they’re not playing to prove they are superior to lesser mortals in every way, and constantly pointing out that they deserve to be trashed for not wanting to be like you and play like you.
The genre is based on the idea that rewarding people for participating will result in them continuing to participate. Blizzard thinks it is wrong to encourage “bad players” to participate by making them feel the time they spend playing is worthwhile. And so you feel like you are doing some sort of public service by calling everybody you disagree with a “bad player”.
This “I will tell you what to think and you will think it” is a failed population management strategy. But continue. The fact that we are even discussing the idea that Blizzard is at war with the playerbase means that you have already lost the war. This is no win situation for you. Either Blizzard is forced to start developing the game for the playerbase it has, rather than toxic elitists, or they continue down this path and end up with only a fraction of elite players remaining, and neither casuals nor solo players, regardless of how anyone wants to define those terms.
Beat your chest. Bloviate on about how good you are and how “bad players” don’t deserve to share your pixels in your game.
plus, if ‘solo’ or ‘casual’ players are such a minority, how come in Vanilla so few cleared naxx? Or cleared raids in general when they were even only 1 or 2 difficulties? How many players within those would’ve preferred to be able to get that gear from solo play instead of group raids? I never found a nice guild with all ‘like minded’ people on the server + Faction I played on at the time that I ‘enjoyed’ being there with the raid team. Perhaps it’s an issue with being non-verbal, but being in a VC for raid time for me is a downside not an upside.
Trying to state ‘solo gameplay is minority’ without any evidence, say to poll the entire playerbase is silly.
Yes you can. People were literally buying mage tower pilots
There’s so much dumb in this paragraph I’m not even going to respond.
Elite rating gear is the same ilvl as mythic sylvanus loot. So false.
Also mythic keys even at higher levels are not harder than mythic raiding. Send 2400 io tanks unable to deal with phase three Sylv mechanics on heroic.
Not really, imo. Either way I am forced into group content if I want better loot, forced to pug or whatever. Pugging experience isn’t really fun. Don’t really want to commit to raid schedules. I’d rather play solo but it’s a limited power experience. Not really fun. Pugging system needs improvements. Where I’d rather play by myself for my power rewards.
Not to mention all the other drama that comes with grouping, makes this game unattractive at times.
You ever try to keep a 40 man raid team together long enough to progress all to way to and through naxx? Getting 8 tanks together for 4 horsemen without server transfers isn’t exactly easy.
The open world quest gear is there but it is at a lower level than the gear you have on by 10 levels which is bad in it’s feel ,even when you rise the ilevel it’s still set on a point. Because of this it feel extremely bad for the player but i can see the reason why they did this to extend the content and not have people being bored (so they thought) it didn’t work.
Your gear reaches a level where everything becomes easy and then they place another patch with new content but it’s about the same pattern we had in MOP,little isle in the middle of no where with a array of npc’s rares to fight ,bang more difficulty better gear is need again for that environment. Rise and repeat again for ZM.
I’m thinking the original intent was to have it award gear, and that was to be the solo gearing path.
Then they stripped the tower of it’s gear rewards, and also the reason to keep running it.
In case anybody here hasn’t figured it out yet, Snozh is an absolute tool of a player and shouldn’t have any brain space wasted on. Nothing instrumental or productive comes from a conversation with him because he thinks he’s never wrong. It’s actually much more fun to just make fun of him. At least then you’ll be getting some form of entertainment for yourself.
All it takes is a glance at his post history to see that he’s incapable of engaging with. You’re actually better off watching a kettle boil water over low heat.
This thread died when he decided to hijack it and troll it to oblivion.
I never claimed anything of the sort. I’m just pointing out that your argument is based entirely on assumption and you should treat it like that instead of making objective claims.
Excuse me 3 bosses. Yet you still get something. More gains then anything done solo.
As a solo player I found BFA to me nice. They changed the game and I don’t like it in the power upgrades department. All it forced me to do was group content for decent gear, when I was happy progressing on my own in something like Visions. I was hoping the game would get more like that and less like group content feels like it’s the only rewarding thing in this game.
The things group players wanted and removed from the game made this game less fun for me I suppose in many ways. And I only feel rewarded for doing pugs, which sucks cause sometimes they are frustrating experiences. And the player mentality with which I play with tends to want to play with meta specs and other stuff. Which makes me not like this game so much. Don’t really enjoy spending my time queuing for groups.
It’s a nice experience when the group gets going… just hope no one makes a mistake and rage quits.
I would have preferred a visions of N’zoth gearing system where if I make a mistake I get to choose if I want to keep going or not. I don’t like that being decided for me when someone quits and you have to start over.