Honestly I don’t know. I’m still confused why players would want to treat an MMO as a single player experience. I could understand if you want to see all of the content without needing a group, but it seems to me these players want the gear on top of that.
Maybe if it was the same gear but the color/stats are different? You might be onto something there.
I have to dip for something else but I’ll definitely give this a watch when I can.
Its not exactly true. I do a lot of solo content due to time and other issues (and I refuse to pay people to cart me through things, I just think that defeats the purpose of actually playing a game). There is this sense that if you play WoW that way you are somehow a second class citizen and should just stand in the corner and take whatever is given to you. “Here take this pet, enjoy!”. But say for example, Torghast had offered gear of a suitably high level if you did that part of it solo. Im not saying as high as high level M+ or Mythic raiding, but balanced to equate to effort and skill = reward. I wouldnt see that as anything wrong but just providing something for me to do alone and if I’m good enough, to get a decently valued reward.
I think I can see your point. You feel like the game is giving you handouts rather than challenging you. You don’t want Mythic+ 15 gear but you want Mythic gear that isn’t the braindead coop Mythic 0 is currently.
So you want a challenge but you don’t want the darkest, hardest, most burn-out-est challenge. You just want a challenge and to not feel spoon fed.
Back at launch, I came to WoW from FFXI. It was a breath of fresh air. I could do what I want, when I want and didn’t have to put up with any groupies, unless I felt like.
Frankly, I’ve had a lot of fun soloing in WoW and hope to continue doing so.
The development team, however needs to decide what kind of game they’re making and stick with it. They have strayed far from what WoW was in Vanilla.
That there wouldn’t happen,because those that raid are already there.
Some people are already proposing this as of now. This will cause player to leave because now everything is more difficult to do when it doesn’t have to be that way.
Already have this ,blocks and more ,so people would be forced to buy runs .
Yeah, pretty much. I guess mostly I want to feel that sense of achievement again. I really haven’t felt it for a very long time. Back when I could raid I enjoyed that and I wouldnt want that taken from players. But now I cant I look for that same sense of achievement and its damned hard to find. Sure I can do Torghast but I feel like the devs have said, go there, play well, be good and here, take this little thing. Gear? No sorry, thats for the others. It would be nice to have the bling shared across the game in some way thats fair.
World gearing should be tuned to ZM/9.0 levels (topping out at LFR end boss). The world gear is catchup gear, for the purpose of getting you ready to do the actual end game content (M+/raid/PvP).
There should also be a solo form of end game gearing, to give you better than catchup gear. I referred to it as the eternal championship, where you fight a series of 10 bosses, increasing in difficulty as you go along. The early bosses will start out quite easy, with the later bosses being more hard. At the end of the week, you get a token based on how many of the bosses you killed. You can then use the token to buy 1 item from a vendor, with the ilvl determined by how many tokens you killed. Maximum ilvl on this vendor should be heroic raid end boss, with a staggered release (only 1st 5 (normal end boss quality) from heroic week, with the gear from the last 5 becoming available second week of mythic).
Practice rotation, farm mats, farm currency, farm rares. All of which should not drop the same level of gear your group content is doing.
Then tell me why ‘the solo player’ should get equal gear that drops in group content without doing group content? Why should a solo player earn a reward meant for something that requires an entire group to do?
The problem with ‘difficult’ solo content is that you have to balance it against all the class/spec combos and I’m not sure Blizzard can competently do that.
I think you’d end up with some folks crying about the difficulty while for other class/specs the content would be trivial.
Whether you are a soloist like myself or a Mythic Raider we all eventually hit a wall. I don’t really think it’s a terrible thing if that wall for soloists is at LFR quality gear. I mean that’s what leveling/playing alts and farming legacy content is for.
If you’re in an instance more likely that is solo ,if it is a progression you start as solo,and if it is a group you can be a solo regardless of a group. All give the same reward.
Just because WOW is an MMO doesn’t mean it is only for grouped play MMO just says massive amount of players are online at same time and I will lay odds those who like me play solo don’t care about your precious mythic gear.
All the majority are asking for and this has been proven time and again in this very thread is we are thrown a bone given a chance to get better gear then what is and will be offered.
I can care less about mythic gear or mythic raiders just as I can care less about raiding just that solo players should be allowed to be competitive in the open world and not feel like a wet noodle.
It’s really not that hard. Look at Brawler’s Guild. Some fights are easier for some specs, others are easier for other specs. When you have enough fights of different encounter types, then it sort of washes out if you have to do a bunch of em.
I actually like Capslocks idea, but I’d modify it a bit. Let’s say that each week you’ve got a rotation of multiple bosses in the boss gauntlet. Some sets of bosses will be easier for you to deal with, some will be less challenging, but if there’s enough variety then hopefully the advantages/disadvantages kind of average out.
M+ affixes do the same sort of thing for M+ - even something as simple as Tyrannical vs Fortified changes whether boss damage or AE damage is more important.
You are saying open world bosses? Oh come on it’s bad enough at what they are now,BUT let’s say it be an instance, And make it in a different rotation than the same that way the lag issue wouldn’t be as bad.
I see a problem with this ,he suggesting it means the raider would get more gear fast despite the difficulty and before the last raid it’ll be impossible .Blizz wouldn’t do it.
Can we see your medical credentials, since you just diagnosed the majority of players in the game as having a mental disorder?
Wrong. Casuals get cheaper content and less content. Yet they are the majority of paying customers, while elites are a small minority who get the most expensive content in the game.
Casuals are 80% of every successful MMO. They pay for the majority of content development.