Your lack of self control isn’t a reason to have a good progression path that includes difficult solo content.
Nah you use it as an excuse. I am actually very laid back and dont mind helping people that actually want help.
You claimed to not be bad at the game. I checked and you are. Its ok, if you have fun thats all that matters.
Dont make claims you cant back up.
It has nothing to do with lack of self control. It has to do with trying to stay competitive and not lose my spot.
Oh she can back it up lol. You belittle and insult people left and right. Toxicity thy name is Snozh.
This has always been something that I truly agree with, Blizz needs to stop designing the game around these kind of players. That is part of why we have timegating like we do, Blizz seems to have this notion they need to control players with no selfcontrol and design it around them, much to the detriment of every other type of player.
Still a you/your guild issue, and not one worth losing a potential big win feature for a lot of people.
I literally checked their logs. The logs disagree with you.
I dont sugar coat things because of peoples feelings.
Sorry you cant handle facts
No offense but you dont play at a level where it actually would be a requirement.
Never said I did. But I also understand that catering to the particular group of people who it would impact that way is overall worse for the game. Just like catering the the extreme casual who wants max ilevel from dailies is.
Fine, you are correct. I’m super bad. I’d rather be bad than feel the need to look other players up so I can assure them with confidence that they are bad, lol.
I am backing it up. You’re sitting there checking on my toons to see how awful I am and tell me so. That’s your laid back, don’t mind helping people personality helping me understand I suck at the game, lol. Fun removed.
I’m gonna go have some fun doing some solo content very badly. Take care!
The difference is the Solo players wont be able to even complete it so then there will be complaints.
So adding hard solo content for mythic raid gear is a waste of time.
I didnt need too. I was just curious because I made a claim that you disputed and I proved my claim correct.
Where did you ask for help? All you did was cry about gear.
No different than having mythic raid exist. Most people can’t do it. That doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be a progression up to that point. Some soloers will get the max, others will peak at different points. That’s ok.
I don’t know, to me gear is one of the most meaningful rewards in each patch. I don’t see a problem with people who play solo wanting a way to earn the same rewards as those who play with groups. (Yes, it would have to truly be earned, and no, please don’t implement any ‘forced’ content!) Perhaps this is because many of us are juggling play time with real life stuff and solo content fits better for many than it would have 15 years ago?
First, I am a semi-solo player myself, just once in a while hanging out with my friends.
I 99% support your idea, but as the quote states above, I think the reason that blizzard doesn’t want to end the war towards solo players is that you never know what’s next they will request.
Sure, you, as a single player can promise you don’t want hardcore multiplayer titles, mounts, achievements. But what if another day another player post another article here saying they want them all, even just in an alternative way? It still hurt the content creation effort because ppl will all go for solo to get those. The whole game will be turned into that direction forever because ppl will say why the next expansion you don’t have those alternative ways to get the same titles and mounts.
There are many cosmetic rewards (achievements, titles, mounts, and appearances) in WoW tied to very specific activities. There should be no possible way to earn them other than the intended way, and it would be fine for devs to draw the line here.
WoW already does a good job of providing plenty of cosmetic rewards to solo and casual players, and many of these rewards are similar in appearance to the more exclusive or rare rewards, such as having different colors or fewer embellishments.
Additionally, some cosmetic raiding rewards become available to more players a couple of expansions later once you are able to solo a raid. So as long as Blizzard continues to make sure that legacy bonuses and legacy loot rules apply, and mechanics that prevent soloing can be circumvented, devs are already doing enough for cosmetic rewards for solo players.
So I personally draw the line at gearing systems and say this is where solo gameplay rewards are most lacking in WoW compared to what we learned to expect in previous expansions. Another request could be to always have content like island expeditions scale to single players. (But I have never thought that not having enough cosmetic rewards for solo players was the cause for Shadowlands to fail like this.)
So many greedy little dragons hoarding the content and gear. Mine mine all mine…
So much gatekeeping. How is too hard to see that the ilvl gap is too wide. There are easy ways to fix that.
Got to love “your logs aren’t good enough” your opinion is invalid. Lol
Its always attack the player not the idea.
The sky isn’t falling, Giving a group of players something doesn’t mean that you have to give them everything. People want to make it easier to change alt’s and not have a massive gap in gear.
Pretty close.
Why is this so hard to understand: A solo player playing an MMO game is a player that does not belong to a guild or with an unofficial group such as a group of friends, but plays along with and along side many players throughout the world. Taking down Rares or elites, or multiple mobs with other players. A solo player can and will at times Raid or run Dungeons. A solo player can also be a casual player. That’s for another day. That’s the way I see it.
Your gear is tuned to the difficulty of the content you participate in. Pretty simple.
Nope, my Honor gear doesn’t scale up to Mythic iLvls for fighting glads in unrated BGs, and my world quest gear doesn’t scale up to Mythic iLvls when I step into Torghast. Pretty silly.