End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

I will rephrase it for you. The rewards you receive are tuned to the difficulty of the content you participate in.

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I will rephrase it for you. Torghast does not drop Mythic iLvl gear despite expecting you to have it.


The argument you are replying this to is by someone who is saying that the zone is so boring it took them forever to finish, playing as much at a time as they could stand.

Do you really find raiding that boring?

Not by a long shot. MoP had better rewards from TI and the world bosses. Both Legion and BFA had TF which was way better than anything in SL. Even when BfA lost TF the were visions which had reasonable gearing. SL 9.2 has reverted back to near WoD levels for “solo” casuals, and it’s not worth paying for anymore. And no one is flaunting huge subscriber gains either so restricting casual gear hasn’t had the effect that most try-hards insist it should. Sub runs out the 28th, back to FFXIV goes my money. :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:


I am referring to content that actually drops ilvl gear. Obviously.

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For gods sake man! No one has asked for that!

That argument is so stale! Every time i see it i want to bash my knut with a hammer!



Well, Torghast is a major expansion feature, and is practically dungeon-level content, so it should drop gear.

The power levels of Conquest gear should not fluctuate so wildly in PvP depending on ranking.

When people say they want higher iLvls from world content, they may need it for content other than world content. Better rewards from Zereth Mortis would be a quick fix to all the broken systems of the entire game, but we have no better suggestions at this point because 9.2 is already finished.


Spoiler Alert: You don’t need a high ilvl to clear world-content-level things.

False. Maybe if you stopped being delusional and opened your eyes you would see it.

Titanforging was awful.

Visions were catch up gear.


Casual gear isn’t restricted. Solo player gear is reverting the experiment that obviously failed.

Stop assuming casuals don’t raid/mplus/arena

Enjoy playing a sub par game that has the depth of a coloring book.

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Are people asking for world content to have high ilvl gear rewards? Higher is one thing, but I’m getting the feel that most want more of a way to get max ilvl gear through solo stuff. *edited to fix something I misread.

Then you must be blind because the whole argument is that solo content should give better gear, which is laughable.

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Yet they actually have.

Because it’s true.

I say the same thing every time I see solo players asking for mythic level gear for trivial content.

But I don’t think that solo gear at max lvl is laughable, if it’s earned and not just given. I’m not talking about world quests.


Lol solo content is trivial at best.

The difficulty required to get the type of ilvl these people want for solo gear would be too difficult for them to do

Solo content will never be on par with group content, so it will always get the inferior gear. No Tier Sets, no Gem Sockets.

There are some that think it can be, given a long grind, like all patch long. The raiders and such still get theirs first, the rest an get it at moments where they might need it to push something or prep for the next patch.

I don’t necessarily disagree. I am just not seeing many other ways for them to pull people back into the game at this point.

But that’s not how WoW has been for seventeen years. If they want that system, there are single player games specifically designed for that.

They are delusional. There has been nothing but complaining about how long the Korthia grind was.

Solo content is too easy and not even comparable. You’re never going to get mythic level gear from doing solo content.

Solo players are an extreme minority of the player base and to do that would be a waste of dev time.