End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

It really is a shame to see this current Dev team so strongly pushing the “3 pillars” all of which are instanced, and neglecting the open world and those players so much. If you aren’t playing their way, ie taking part in of of those “3 pillars” you might as well not even bother anymore.


So beautifully written :blue_heart:

Quoting all of this so players can see it again. Well said, bravo.


So well said.

I think some of us, myself included, forget at times that ppl with disabilities play this game and need the social aspect of an MMO but also need mostly solo play style.

I used to be pretty gud at WoW and was very competitive. I had a switch a little over a year ago and become the most non competitive person.

Just wanna relax, chill and occasionally do challenging content these days in a video game. If that makes me “bad” oh well :partying_face:


Of course not. The usual suspects are going to frame it that way anyway. They are negligible at best.


I mean…it’s just not a solo game. When I play FF7, I don’t complain about the lack of online multiplayer support.

LOL. It’s not “too hard”. Solo players just don’t want to commit to times and dates and hours that if they don’t show up for, negatively impact other players experiences within the game.

I’m sick of hearing how because after 9 years of raiding every raid I’m bored of it but still enjoy the other aspects of WoW. This doesn’t mean I am a bad player, less dedicated, lazy or whiny. It simply means that after years of raiding my interests have changed.



This is one of the best statements I’ve read on here in a long while regarding this topic. I’m an old school MMO player. My hardcore days were in EQ, but that’s what drew me to WoW. My Raid-or-Die days were already waning. And I love this game. Mostly because even though I do not like the current expac and haven’t even bought it, I can still go back and do stuff that I either missed, or just love for the re-playability.

And bottom line is, I’d like to see WoW continue for a while longer.


Would you have to do it if it was just as easy or easier to get it from the 15 key?

You clearly cant read. I never said current solo content would be too hard. I VERY CLEARLY stated that any type of solo content that rewarded mythic level gear would be too hard for most solo players.

Your parse average for normal CN was 49.1 as BM
Your parse average normal Uldir was 16.6 where you parsed grey for 6 out of 8 bosses.

Other then that you only do LFR. So unless you have another char you used to raid on I would disagree.

If it was rewarding 252 in this current patch I would be required to do it weekly.

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That’s a “you” problem.


You can be a solo/casual player and still be a decent/OK player skillwise.

Not sure where this idea came from that solo player automatically = bad player.

Are some ultra-casual solo World Questers, LFR’ers, RP’ers etc often below average or “bad” in terms of gameplay skill or raw numbers on the DPS meter? Maybe. But we can’t paint all solo/casual players as “automatically” being bad.


You arent going to be able to complete any solo challenege that rewards mythic level gear as decent or ok.

Because the majority of them are.

I never said ALL. I said most. I have yet to find a solo player that actually has decent logs.

This thread is still going eh?.. and it’s gotten no better.

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Solo and casual are pretty much completely separate for the purpose of most arguments on here. Sure some, perhaps even most solo players might be casuals, there is nothing inherently casual about being solo or keeping you from doing group content if you are playing casually. Plenty of casual players are rather good, or at least decent. Heck, some of today’s casual raiders were yesterday’s orange parsing CE guys. The trouble with saying solo players are good is they are doing nothing to prove that is the case. Someone PvPs they have a rating. You have a good rating then you are good. You raid, you have progress and parses. One or both of those are good, you are good. M+ you have a rating, have a good rating you are good. Solo players have…nothing really that demonstrates that they are good, and as with most things in life if you can’t prove you are good people will presume you are bad, ok at best.


Hopefully it’ll be enough to do the solo play and kill the everyday stuff we come across. As a solo player, I’m good with the upgrades given me. I’ll work to get the max value of each item, and I hope to survive the new content.

Indeed!! The only thing that will concern me is whether I’ll have time to work on all my current alts and get them all geared before the next expansion. :heart:

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I healed with a druid named Awakune for most of my raiding years, not that she’s gonna show some elist numbers either, I played her because we were always short of healers, not because I loved the toon. My guild stopped raiding at the beginning of BFA or end of Legion, I forget.
Some friends I used to raid with asked me to come hang out in CN for a day because if you’re looking you can see I only went once, maybe twice. It was a last minute invite and I wasn’t prepared and didn’t know the fights and spent most of my time dead, in discord laughing and fooling around with my friends.

I also never said I was elite, I said I wasn’t bad. My guild never raided for gear, we raided for the fun and to spend time together. I don’t even know what parse avg or parsed grey mean. I don’t care either. I had fun, I hung out with friends and we slowly pushed through normal and heroics. We didn’t play to compete, we played for fun.

Also, it seems neither of us can read because I VERY CLEARLY stated that solo doesn’t equal bad as you suggest it does.

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I mean you still heal with a green overall for heroic. That means you are an OK player at best

You are OK at best and thats being nice.

People like you are likely a big reason a lot of players choose “solo” play. We just don’t have the desire to put up with your assumptions, belittling and number checking. You take the fun out of it, lol.