End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

And your judgement is any better? One misspelling ,one word not place and it’s word sling across a forum that has nothing to do with a subject at hand.

To tell you the truth this forum is my first attempt to communicate to a world in this medium and i can see just how bad it is on those that don’t do vast numbers . It’s no wonder no one post in a forum because of grammar judges .Keep going on with your reddit.

Wow has always been the hardest core videogame bar none. All content required a premade group. It was impossible to quest or level if your group was not available. There has never been any solo content whatever, nor have there been either solo or casual players. 100% of players belonged to the right clique in the right sort of guild and raided constantly. 100% of players fully cleared every raid in vanilla. This guy obviously knows what he’s talking about.

No, wait. Only 59 guilds total cleared Naxxramas before BC was released in all of US and EU.

Guess he’s lying.


You do realize I was referring to how people were able to get gear right?

Good job taking things out of context because you can’t dispute it.

If you spent time getting better at the game instead of crying on the forums you’d be ina better spot.

This misconception of yours perfectly encapsulates where Shadowlands developers have gone entirely wrong in regards to the difficulty and rewards of solo challenges.

In the past, we had solo scenarios such as Horrific Visions, MoP Legendary cloak challenges, and the original Legion Mage Towers that could reasonably be completed by the majority of players, even in LFR or world content gear.

But as of late, the top-end players clamor incessantly for exceptionally difficult solo challenges that award cosmetics or side power. The new Shadowlands dev team has a soft spot in their hearts for these elitists, so that is how we ended up with the failed systems of Torghast, Path of Ascension (Kyrian Covenant), and Timewalking Mage Tower.

Developers wasted resources on exclusively difficult side content with cosmetic rewards for the top 5% of the WoW playerbase, when that content should have been the main content for the other 95% of the playerbase that wants a more reasonable level of challenge with both gear and cosmetics as rewards.

Huh? so we never did the quest solo in this game ,I guess I’m imagining doing them in solo mode,that means I’ve been delusional all this time.

I can see where this is leading people to believe that the whole game is “only” for group. and the misdirection folks wish everyone "want " them to follow . This is just another form of control to place a lone wolf in a cage to get what they want from the wolf.

Once Antorus was out. It was not that way when they 1st came out and Nighthold was current.

I’m not asking for exceptionally difficult solo challenges, I’m asking for heroic end boss level.

Torghast wasn’t a failure because it was easy, It’s a failure because it was required. It was hard back in the early days of 9.0. And oh lord was there complaining about how hard layer 8 was. Timewalking mage tower wasn’t a failure, it’s just the MT back in 7.2 NH, not 7.3.5 Antorus. Path of Ascension is weird because you play as your soulbinds instead of your character iirc.

Just because you can’t or won’t do content, does not mean that it’s wasted dev time. Are pet battles wasted dev time because I don’t partake?

And yet they gave us conduit energy, and locked covenants for over a year. things that the high end crowd (or as you stereotype us “elitists”) are saying are bad, and hurt our gameplay more than yours.

Visions were good. you could do them at a level you wanted to, it gave good gear rewards, and they were fun when you were trying to push masks before the cloak was fully leveled. Give us more of that.

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They tried to balance arenas for a little while in TBC…when arenas were added. They kind of gave up on that idea in TBC too.

Back in my day we got garbage gear from world content, quest blues and rep gear if you didn’t do group content and we liked it that way.

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This is 100% spot on. The mage Tower was a perfect example of missing the majority of players. It served no purpose other than to give the very top % of players something to crow about. That it was available for only two weeks clearly showed that.


I’m late to the party in replying to this, but that sounds like it’d be absurdly fun and I would totally forget all about Dance Studios (which I never cared about to begin with) for that feature.

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The mage tower was exactly what I expected it to be. the 7.2 version, before you outgeared it. A prime example for most players of “you think you do, but you don’t”

Yes, please. I thought that Visions would be a spiritual predecessor to Torghast, solo-able dungeon-like content with tangible rewards. Instead, Torghast just ended up being an obligatory time-waster for players who would have preferred spending their time in other content.

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Sure…if you exclude crafting, the AH, world drops, rep vendors, badge vendors, world quests/dailies, and PvP, you couldn’t get gear unless you raided lol


I think it’s fair to assume that any anti-solo voices left in this thread at this stage are just trolling.

Well,guys looks like they are forcing solos to group for rep and nerfing rare drop reps.

As if the color of the gear means anything.

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I haven’t been following the datamining/PTR of ZM closely so I don’t know what all the quests are, but on the surface I don’t see how moving rep gains from rares to quests affects solo play negatively?

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I imagine that quests would be better than rares for solo play, unless the quests are like the weekly Ve’nari Perdition Hold quests that favor groups. Also, more rep from weekly objectives is probably good for solo players, and everyone actually.

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That’s not what I’m getting from this at all. It looks like they boosted the amount of rep from the weekly quests considerably and made so you don’t have to go hunting for 29 rare opponents. :fox_face: