End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

When is there not massive complaints?

How true, how true

You know what’s underappreciated?

Actual solos. Not just Mage Tower stuff, but soloing Raid Bosses to try and beat em’ alone, using some insane strats or kiting or high damage to beat the Enrage as well as cleverly figuring out mechanics and uptime.

I know more about it than you sadly. If you looked at spec diversity across multiple seasons between 2s and 3s you’ll see the data doesn’t substantially support that a reduction in team size leads to less overall spec diversity.

He does have duelist from SL S1, unsure if legit.

If we take equal skill and gear, some classes and specs just have a massive advantage over others in a duel. Sub rogue vs frost mage as an example. DPS warrior vs Warlock. Prot paladin vs rogue.

Yeah it’s called a counter they exist in like almost every pvp game.

Keyword is legit.

Highly doubt it from someone hiding on a 50 and saying something as stupid as 1v1 being balanced.

Lol I have multiple glad mounts and have gotten at least duelist every season (might’ve missed 1 in legion when I unsubbed) since mop idk man cope harder. Literally click my mounts collection it’s not rocket science.


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And I’m saying wow specs have some matchups are closer to hard counters than they should be for rated duels to be a thing. A lot of casters would just instantly leave if they got matched up against a sub or sin rogue, just because of how rough that matchup is. With a second and 3rd person on your team, it lessens the counter.

Not sure how relevant mists still is, given that it was almost 10 years ago

Game stays pretty much the same, and I prefer .5% titles anyway, most people will consider MoP the peak pvp expac anyway. Be solo player want something > you suck at pvp > no this is my xp > hah that’s old > yeah I’ve been that good for that long.

Who cares about hardcounters this game is played by people who make mistakes not AI that play perfectly every game. I’d happily que into 50% ferals on a frost mage if it means I’m given the chance at independent progression.

You’re acting like some raid fights don’t require specific specs. Furthermore its an mmorpg what your spec does well and not so well is something you factor in when you pick it.

I wish someone would explain to my work that “Casual Friday” is supposed to mean we work less.


Idk people need to stop worrying about how other people doing well in another part of the game is going to effect their obscure social standing within the game.

I want more content in the game, and if I’m going to be sbm’d into fighting other 2700 players I want to be rewarded for that effort.

Have you seen the threads where people complain they can’t get invited to a 15 because their spec saw no play in MDI? When every spec in the game is perfectly viable at +20. If we got rated duels, you’d see a lot more high rated healers, rogues, and arms warriors than a lot of other specs, and there would be complaints on a mage tower level.

It’s a lot easier to fit 1 specific class out of 12 into a 20 player group than a 1, 2 or 3 player group.

The point I’m illustrating is that there’s no precedence that a certain spec cant be better off for certain content.

No one expects the game to balanced for 1v1 people will know that going in. If someone gets emotionally damaged over it that’s their problem.

When was the last time anyone expected any form of pvp to be balanced. People who’ve pvp’d know it’s always a fiesta.

Historically this is false. No matter how well balanced it is, someone’s complaining about balance.

Since when has blizzard cared about people complaining, there are consistently massive 1 shot bugs that sit in alpha and beta with 2k+ posts on the threads that make into live.

At worst it will just become a forum section that the blues just ignore or check for the memes.

I need Guy sensei to take my ankleweights off so I can 1v1 Gara

The solo man is angry :joy:

Spent a lot of money boosting glad mounts lol.

What? Ok,I was being civil I guess I wouldn’t be for now on .

I’m simply observing that you’re forum posts can generously be described as written by an 8th grader.

You know, some people who post here may not speak English as a first language :fox_face: