End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

Only the world boss from 250 to 500 so it is a group content , the rares are nerfed in half.

I will not conform to this system. I do everything in bear anyway. Everything is fine. Come with me, I’ll protect you.

Along with that change, because we don’t want to reduce the total incoming rep, we’re increasing the reputation of other sources to compensate: world quests will award 125 instead of 100; Antros, the world boss, will award 500 instead of 250; and the twice-weekly quest “Patterns Within Patterns” will award 500 instead up 250. The net effect of this is that this will be a small increase in the total potential rep gain each day, and rares will take up a much lower proportion of those gains. This will allow players to feel like they can be done for the day earlier without significant long-term cost, while still allowing those players who want to push harder some incentive to do so.


Woot :heart: :heart: omg

Do you remember the video name?



I think their trying to balance the needs of the solo player and the wants of the raiders ( which don’t like farming ). I dk it still seems like a force content.

Blizzards rep grinds being painfully tedious is the rule rather than the exception. :fox_face:

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Thats like saying why acquire gear in diablo3 if all you’re going to do is run greater rifts solo.

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My problem with visions is the time gated power progression with the research systems. If there’s going to be some additional power progression for the content don’t make it time gated and def moving forward things like that should always be account wide.

How was the console time gated? you got the bonus as soon as you had the currency to buy it. Are you calling it time gated because keys were hard to come by early on?

No there was literally a timegated research progression talent tier that just made the visions 100% easier. I don’t remember the exact mechanism but I don’t think you could just max out the research week 1

That wasn’t really a time gate, the only limiting factor was how much currency you could earn in the vision.

In effect it was timegated, because you could only do a couple of Horrific Vision runs per week, with the bulk of the currency tied behind weekly and semi-weekly objectives. You could squeeze in other run or two by doing the daily quests, treasures, rares, and other non-repeatable objectives for additional minor gains.

You could earn more console research by making more progress in each Visions run, but this was also timegated in effect because you had to upgrade your legendary cloak and do sufficient research in order to be able to progress very far.

The devs later increased currency gains and decreased the requirements for cloak upgrade quests, but even today I estimate that a geared level 60 character would probably need 3 or 4 weekly resets to fully max out the research console if starting from scratch. (Your corruption resistance on a low-rank cloak would be so low that you would simply run out of time when trying to earn more currency, and you wouldn’t have any masks to help speed up currency gains per run.)

That’s not a time gate though. A time gate is an arbitrary amount of time required because time is required. A time gated system would have the upgrades take time to unlock, where even if you had all the currency right away, it would still take 3 weeks to fully unlock the console. They didn’t directly time gate the console, they just wanted diminishing returns on hard grinding currency, and that’s what they did. If someone wanted to run you through 5 mask vision to farm up mementos, so that you could full blast the console right away, the game itself wasn’t stopping you.

Getting carried by someone geared or skilled could certainly help you earn more Mementos in a single run, but didn’t all people entering have to consume a Vessel?

To be sure, there was no hard and fast timegate on the 8.3 Mementos like there was the weekly Tower Knowledge cap in 9.1, but players still felt like they were being indirectly timegated because you would eventually have to wait for the next daily or weekly reset to be able to earn your next Vessel.

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If that was true the game would’ve died years ago.

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I don’t. It was a bit ago. I scanned through my YouTube history but couldn’t find it. Sorry.

Quick late-night/insomnia bump

There’s still (a little) time, devs could make a last-minute hotfix to bump up the 246 casual gear by just a tad bit. It’s just changing a number afterall.

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Tier gear has always been restricted to raiding. If that isn’t your interest in the game that is fine, but that doesn’t mean you should get access to it. That is not a war on single play it’s just how the game has always been. Non raider, non M+ players have always been capped below. And they have zero reason to need gear at the same level since the content they access isn’t as difficult. High end more difficult content rewards higher level of gear. Sorry but you want the best you need to put in effort. Stop trying to complain that you can’t get the best gear without doing the harder content. Rewards are fair and effort based. More effort equals more reward. Stop bringing real world problems into the game with this concept you log in and should get the best gear just for showing up.