Exactly. Which is why they shouldn’t be used like they mean the same thing, since they’re not.
WoW’s entire history has based your ability as a player off of your ability to do endgame content. if you can’t PvP, raid, or m+ then you aren’t good at WoW.
You could still be good at other parts of WoW, like RP or pet battling.
Of course, people who focus on RP or pet battling are not demanding higher ilvl rewards from those activities.
Perhaps, just perhaps, there are more things going on in this game than are drempt of in your philosophy.
There’s a difference between ‘can’t’ and ‘haven’t.’ Just because someone hasn’t gotten CE, doesn’t mean they are automatically incapable of achieving CE… Were they even trying to get CE?
I would be hard pressed to call them casuals as well.
Look I grinded out 8 hours a day in Goldshire… I deserve 265!
Dance on the mailbox outside the inn and receive an ilvl 265 bikini as your reward!
Sure, though they don’t really require any high-level skill unique to WoW…except maybe RP because you could argue that requires a deep knowledge of WoW lore to do well.
That’s because the definition of ‘Casual’, is all over the place. I mean, WoW is a ‘Casual MMO’. So to some extent, every player in the game is casual.
Would there be set bonuses? Asking for a friend.
It’s a bikini.
A set of what?
How did casual change? Or better yet, why?
I thought it always implied someone who invested less time overall than more dedicated players. As such, their access to content was limited because they didn’t want to invest 6 hours in a raid. Or sit all day in BG’s honor grinding.
If raids are easy enough, and short enough, for a “casual” to gain access to it, doesn’t that mean the content is now accessible to casuals? And not that the concept of casual has changed?
I thought ‘living for your Raid Guild’, ended when 40 man raids ceased to be a thing.
That’s the curve though. It’s still high-level raiding/PvP to some degree. Everyone outside of that is some form of casual.
Most other games have the line filled out pretty clearly. Fighting games are moving to be more “Casual friendly” by introducing 2 button combat with single direction inputs. Older fighting games have a fine line between casual, moderately decent, and pro.
WoW seems to be the place where the commonwealth can scream loud enough to decide. Other games leave all that to the pros.
I don’t like your vibe at all.
It’s sad to me to see so many social media ppl wanting to make a buck and be worshipped and everything is me, me, me. It’s gross. Not all are that way but many.
I had so many guys tell me to stream over the years but I value my dignity and privacy.
How so? People trying to earn a living or supplement their income with a hobby is sad?
So in one breath you recognize not all streamers and content creators are the same and in the next categorically label streaming as something one loses dignity over.
So just to recap, you label people as self-centered, gross, and without dignity, but you don’t like MY vibe? Lmao makes perfect sense.
I think this is a fair statement. Unless you know the people you’re running with personally (Friends to some degree), it’s not really “group content” anymore.
That applies to all games. Group content in this scenario means working together for something in an almost personal manner. Mythic+ <=10 has very little of that. It’s all brain dead routine, there’s no challenge or friendship to be had.
Even stuff like 4 players in Monster Hunter taking on a monster is not necessarily group content. You all have anti flinch (Thanks longsword/Insect Glaive users), and you’re all avoiding mechanics independently. The teamwork is crapping out DPS.
I guess that all means group content is when you actually have to make a pal or two. Else it’s just plain ol’ multiplayer. And that’s generally competitive in some fashion.
I didn’t label everyone this way but okay.
I’ve spoken privately with a couple streamers before or of a similar “profession” as a streamer. They were very much about themselves and their outward appearance. Taking it so far as to get fake body parts, lip injections, ect. Both even made fun of their fans. But, they will take that Chedda from them.
I wouldn’t want to be remembered as another dime a dozen streamer like them. Again, I’m sure not all are this way, as I wrote earlier. Idk what else to say. It’s sad to me.
Speaking(typing) as a solo player.
There is NO war on solo gameplay in WoW.
If there ever was one, it was years ago and the soloists won.
The hardcore are now left trying to defend what little of the game remains to them.