Coming from a vet that no longer enjoys wow as much I suggest you just unsub if you’re unhappy. I recently spent gold to get a easy month with my in game gold so I could put in input to these forums. I really do dislike how wow catered to casuals for years and now it’s so far down the rabbit hole you either like it or leave.
Other wise enjoy fighting the community for no end result.
Same goes for the rest of Blizzard games I don’t think it’s worth supporting anymore. None of my support to them was put to use on what I wanted from wow and only went down hill fast after Cata was released.
I’m in favor of a form of difficult solo PvE content with higher level gear rewards.
(10 bosses, get 1 item between normal and heroic end boss per week based on how many you clear, with bosses tuned to be from normal early boss to heroic end boss in difficulty)
The guild pays for repairs, cauldrons, vantus runes, and feasts. And anything weird like Avalanche Potions in Uldir.
Regular combat pots/healing/mana pots are up to the individual since needs vary so much person to person.
We’ve occasionally chipped in to help buy a BoE that’s a massive increase to somebody’s performance, but that’s unusual.
We’ve sold carries for gold in the past, it’s not something we do routinely, though. I don’t think we’ve sold any carries this expansion.
We make a lot of gold selling BoE’s.
Oh and you can save a lot of money just making stuff yourself. Shadestones are a good example, we’ve never bought those. I just have Brewa & Tewa make them every day, have been all expansion. Means I lose out on personal gold from selling them but OH NOES whatever will I do.
Sure. So go make that argument in response to that person, not here.
This argument about casuals demanding mythic gear shows up on almost every thread like this whether or not that has anything to do with that specific thread, and it’s frankly insulting. By all means, disagree with someone’s opinion. But don’t just come in to every thread about solo and casual gear and say, “lolz, no you can’t haz muh mythics” without actually bothering to see what that specific thread is asking for and why.
Where? In both threads i have not seen one reply asking for ilvl 265. ilvl 252 would be about perfect!
In 9.2 before it is released, they should up the ilvls of ALL gear for all content! This piddly 13ilvls for solo/world content players is a total joke. Its not even anywhere near what we could upgrade cov gear to.
This game is seriously intentionally trying to kill itself off!
It’s not hard for me to understand that this is people’s opinion, and why.
But world gear has been better than normal, heroic, and mythic 0 dungeon gear, and LFR, for several tiers now. So while you are welcome to your opinion, there is nothing in any recent WoW tier that should suggest this will ever be a guiding design principle in this game.
And it shouldn’t be hard for you to understand that after having a progression system like Korthia, people are upset they don’t get something like that this tier.
Again, you are welcome to disagree, but certainly you can understand that?
And besides, my sarcastic comment about not understanding was directed at the previous poster because they actually did not appear to understand the specific argument, not because they had a different opinion.
It’s not that I want to solo play, It’s that they dont want to play with me; for not being the meta FOTM; not picking the exact talents that the guide tell us to; being 2% under the damage that I should be doing. This community is absolutely ridiculous, no wonder we have to play solo in a mmo.
Normal dungeons are leveling content, heroic dungeons haven’t been relevant after the 1st reset of an expansion since WoD iirc. LFR, M0, and world gear kind of fill the same niche with the current tuning. Starter gear. They are all about the same level of difficulty in terms of numbers, and give similar rewards. The only time M0s are relevant are 1st 2 weeks of an expansion, and the beginning of patches 6.2 (launched) and 8.1 (azerite armor update).
EXACTLY! I can not find anyone asking for this mysterious “mythic” level gear. I mean if they are talking about lower key M+ gear, its not our fault that gear intersects at some point in “their” prefered content!
It takes us MUCH longer to get our gear by far, and time and effort, no matter the content should be rewarding to every single player in this game!
If you’re looking for a 15 or below, anyone who tries to force the MDI meta is probably going to end up being a carry. It’s less that you can’t pug in as a DPS because of your class, and more likely (at least for groups you’d want to be a part of), that the DPS market is just saturated. So while you apply at say 246 with a 2k score, someone else applied at 251 ilvl with 2.2k score. who would you choose for the last spot?
Maybe not in this thread, but there’s been a fair bit of it throughout the expansion, people saying “let us get our gear to max ilvl just have it take longer”.
The funny thing being that that’s what the Korthia model was, with its gradual-over-time upgrades, and all people did was complain about how long it was taking. I can’t imagine how they would react to an even longer process to get to an even higher ilvl.
You are raiding cutting edge, thats the difference. You know whats expected. But for a solo player to even get an invite to a pug, the hoops you have to go through is insane. Yes it is the fault of the games design atm, and the players gate keeping.