End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

Okay whatever, I’m done. It wasn’t me but it sounds super entertaining. I wish they would have at least said boosted to glad. Who the hell would brag about 2.2k

Mythic raiders farm Korthia for sockets and conduits. They aren’t farming it to use the gear as mplus is a faster better alternative.


It was you. Deny it all you want too but it was you.

?? they can get them in mythic dungeon s and raids ,that doesn’t make sense,but then again wow doesn’t make complete sense at times.

You can’t get sockets anywhere but korthia…

Also once you get the Korthia rep to tier 6 you can purchase items that give you an increase conduit in ilvl.

It’s the only way to raise your covenant conduits past 200.

It’s only confusing because you don’t play at higher end play where this stuff is required.

And yet,i have them all to 252 and sockets .I’m ready when i want to. so?

Going to call BS on that. Screenshot or it didn’t happen.

I have a profile look it up.

If all he does is farm Korthia and maybe does torghast it’s entirely possible he’s 252 on all the conduits. I still have a hard time believing that he took the time to inspect a dk dying in Korthia but people do strange things.

How could i not ,i can’t believe a blood dk would die on kronthrogz ,he stood right in the pools.

If you have enough renown, they can drop in the korthia weekly box at 226, Also Mythic Denathrius still technically exists.

I can’t see your conduits from the profile.

I mean this is true. But he also would know you can farm conduit upgrades from Korthia.

True but how many people play at
A level to kill mythic sire?

Like where do you think I got them :pleading_face:

Okay, so a ilvl of 240ish is possible for solo outdoor content? Sounds good to me.

Uh. I can solo an elite WQ with my current gear.
A solo fight against a rare might be a bit harder sometimes (they have weird super health or something)
But when are you ever soloing a rare? everyone shows up and gets a smack in…
You don’t think you can do that in 246 gear?

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hey @Brewa

Maybe it’s a bad time to ask with the current anti-booster sentiment/social climate, but does your Mythic guild sell boosts to cover those high costs?

Or do they make you farm your own personal gold/pay your own consumable bills?

The OP never asked for Mythic gear. Reading is hard, I know, but next time try it before you jump on a thread to insult other people for positions you only think they hold:

OP is asking for another system like Kothia gear, that allows solo players to earn up the high end of Normal raid item level after a significant grind. They admit high-end raiders should continue to get exclusive rewards for their effort, including higher level BiS gear. They are simply saying 9.2 is offering the worst solo progression gear system so far this expansion, and would like that problem addressed.

I don’t know what about that is so hard to understand.


It still doesn’t change anything :man_facepalming:t3:

That may be what OP is asking for, but I’ve seen others asking for ZM to drop 265 (heroic).

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I don’t know what is so hard for you to understand that solo content should never award higher ilvl than group content of the same tier.

Gear should be rewarded based on difficulty. There is nothing difficult about solo content.