End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

Anyone who is complaining about the lack of gear because they only pug stuff is asking for blizzard to solve a problem that they created for themselves.

I NEVER complained, and the people who do are total idiots! Like you say, put in the work, get the rewards! I have no problem with that at all. Love my 233 gear! Its 9.2 and its lousy 13 ilvls for the insane grind that has me PO’d. They should raise the ilvl of ALL gear before the patch drops.

No doubt that’s what devs thought was going to happen.

All true, but he did say:

And technically, all of those are group content of the same tier. And I don’t think anybody has a problem with world quests giving better gear than heroics. That’s my point. Some solo content does award better gear than some group content, and there is a reason why. It’s not always as simple as “Group=more difficult=better gear.”

Don’t you think it’s kind of crazy to say things such as ‘‘the dps market is just saturated’’. I get what you mean but we are talking about a freaking GAME. It’s a freaking game. Let me say this again, A GAME. Something we used to do for fun.


Joining a raiding guild sucks, getting a job sounds less serious. I am not getting bossed around by some 16 years old.


Im in a guild. Sorry 3 people of my 5 person group that ran M+ have died in the last 3 years!!

RL friends i refuse to replace, because we all started this game together back in early 2005!

Our guild was the cats rear back in the nilla/BC days, until the guild leader died. Retired the guild until i revived it about 3 years ago.

If you list a 15 during peak hours, you’re likely to get 15 or more DPS applicants before you see a tank or healer.

The existence of x bad guilds does not invalidate the existence of y good guilds.

I refuse to believe than anyone that should be around 40 years old is spending that much time on a game. You are probably on welfare.

You wouldn’t normally get raid tier pieces from PvP or dungeons, but you will in 9.2. So the question is why would devs intentionally exclude the majority of their playerbase from a system that would normally include all endgame content?

And by the way, why is doing solo and queued content “doing nothing”? There is a whole lot of “nothing” going on by your definition.

WoW is not a single player game, but an overwhelmingly large portion of its audience focuses on solo or queued gameplay. It has been this way from the beginning, and the expansions that catered to this reality saw the highest numbers in subs, while the expansions that deny this reality see the game’s population suffer.


I am not spending any little time I have to be looking for one. If you are working for living you’d understand.

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I only had trouble finding and joining guilds when I started trying to push Mythic raids. If you keep getting kicked from N/H guilds, you are probably either catastrophically bad, a knob, or both.

You are a ranged DPS, the only thing raiding guild are interested in.

I don’t understand why the devs tune solo content and expansion features like Torghast around having the raid quality gear.


They don’t, my sub-200 ilvl alts that don’t raid or do dungeons have had zero problems getting to Torghast layer 12 solo, for example.

All of that is qued content and not group content.

The skill required to do those things is minimal hence why they award lower ilvl.

People complained about having to grind Korthia even though that’s what everyone requested in 9.0.

You are misconstruing casual with bad.

The longest and final patch of the expansion, plenty of time for you to get your set pieces through the proper means.

Content you can que for solo isn’t group content.

IDK, I see a surprising amount of interest in Warriors, DHs, monks, Rogues, and Enhancement shamans.

Are they!!! There is plenty of leggo that are useless. We have the ‘‘choice’’ but like there is only 3 valid per spec and we can have 2. So its not really a choice and its just bad design to make an item that will never be used cause they are bad.

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