End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

I think you’re misunderstanding me. Very few people will clear mythic, do high keys, or get a high arena rating. The overwhelming majority of players will hit a wall well before those achievements. It doesn’t make the game any less fun for the people that enjoy that content. Some people love doing keys in the 5-7 range or normal raids or random bg’s.

FF14 is a great game and lots of us have gone in that direction, but you’re not going to get any gear if you don’t do group content in that either. I think a lot of you guys would be happier in an offline rpg.

I don’t know what that means, but a meaningful solo progression system would mean that you’d need to support a system that gets difficult enough to reward decent stuff. Given the backlash for Torghast and Mage Tower, I very much doubt that solo players would be happy with that. They want really great stuff for content that’s very simple. That’s just not going to happen.

I been playing alot of ESO recently and swtor solo content there is quite pleantiful and fun and unique gear just for those.


Nah. I missed it? Can I get a tldr please? I’m on my phone and scrolling past the mage, is making my eyes bleed.

WoW was once a pioneer in the MMO industry. It did what appealed to the largest possible audience, both solo and group players.

Now WoW is doing what appeals to a minority audience. Almost all games have some sort of multi-player function, so it isn’t exciting anymore to have a bunch of people beating up on the same boss for 10 minutes. Mechanics are there to spice things up but often just make raids more annoying.


wow is quite behind on alot of things .


The ilvl differences are way to high. Especially for pvp, alts and returning players.

Too much gatekeeping in this game and on this forum. People pay the same sub. Stop with the scrubs deserve scrub loot. Sure solo and the highest levels of group gameplay shouldn’t get the exact reward, but the gap is way to much.


Honestly,the gear we have for solo is fine but people will take it too extremes that really they shouldn’t .If they do make the content hard mode for the gear we have them leaving the game,yet they should make the gear worth using it better .

Since there is the raid coming up ,solo’s wouldn’t have tier gear added for awhile and this is upsetting folks ,I can’t blame them but that the how it is at that moment in time.

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Fresh content is a big one :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

The only “content” we’ve gotten the past 6 months - the rehashed Mage Tower - isn’t even from this expansion :laughing:

What should scrubs get then? I’m seriously asking.

It’s a fine line. You can’t make the raids obsolete by giving out comparable gear for world quests. Normal and heroic raids become obsolete pretty quickly as it is. I guess I just don’t understand why people would only do the world quests if they don’t plan on doing anything else. You don’t need much of anything for transmog runs and the story isn’t that interesting lol.

TL;DR is a 10 boss solo challenge that you can do once per week that can give an item between normal and heroic end boss quality based on how many you clear. Final boss is tuned to be about the same as or slightly harder than final heroic boss of the tier.

What ilvl do you want it to be (for outdoor zones)? I read through your post, and I don’t remember seeing a specific number. I tend to get my gear through unrated PvP, which has been pretty slow and annoying each season… although the appearances of several sets have been pretty extraordinary.

i agree some, i do have something to add though you know how the covenants have their own unique gear for their zones well thats very similar to some other games do gear it be nice to have more unique gear for open world that isnt as good when it comes to raiding dungeons or pvp.

Oh I saw that. My bad. Yeah that would totally work as well. It’s challenging content that gives them what they want. The good good gear and the pretty mogs/mounts as the elitist raid groups have.
Everyone wins.

I’m locked out from liking it. That’s an really odd feature. You like too many things.

The ilvl difference between different tiers of content actually shrunk this expansion (15->13)

I would say,if they are equate I would be able to enter the raid easier than not having the gear at the time. So which is better with my time? gear when I’m ready to enter? or doing the raid in less gear to do it? Considering I’m dps it would make total sense i would have better damage when ready than before with lesser level gear.

I literally quoted you asking what islands, as if expeditions and Mechagon, any island, didn’t exist in BFA.

Right, but you said SL has vast amounts of solo content compared to, “I dunno when.” The xpac between BFA and MoP far exceeds SL, so there’s your, “I dunno when.”

Toys, pets, mounts were all part of MoP and BFA reps (all reps that I can remember), except they used to have storylines and changing zones as you progressed, like Molten Front, the Argent Tournament, majority of reps in MoP and most of the reps in Cata. Pretty sure there are toys, pets, mounts to collect in Legion too. Backpacks. Those are the new addition.

Mission tables didn’t start till WoD. Um…come to think of it, that xpac might actually be the worst for solo content. Or content in general. I really enjoy Torghast, especially compared to Garrisons.

You’re just naming perks, which sound eerily similar to garrison perks. Teleporting and receiving buffs aren’t solo content, and it’s not a unique faction. Every character in SL is in 1 of 4. That you could switch, if you wanted.

Kind of like you’ve dismissed everything I’ve named from other xpacs that did what’s in SL only better. When you say something’s vast, I would expect naming more than rewards from anima grinds and running to a spot to do a quest that has no story or context. So far you haven’t named anything I didn’t already know. I was expecting to be wowed.

No, I don’t, not in comparison. You’re comparing haircuts and scars to tinkering with builds, exploring the world/starting zone, finding new areas like when they added Worgen and Goblins to the old world, or doing a questchain to unlock AR.

Are they even bringing it back? I don’t understand why they just give up on content like that.

Haha, better to go into the raid with the lower gear and learn the raid. No matter how great your gear is, if you don’t know the fight, you are going to be watching it pretty quickly from the ground and not getting a berez.

So you want raid gear for doing world quests? Again, it’s just not going to happen. Those quests are impossible to fail.

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LOL,and be kicked for being under preforming ,yeah that would go well :rofl:

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