End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

?? no progression in world quests? Then where does a person get his gear from when starting this game? poof it’s there? come on man.

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Honestly,I like people in MMo game and do help out that’s the fun part,but i don’t have to group with them.


That’s not what progression means. In order to get better gear, you need to progress through content that gets increasingly more difficult. World quests are designed to be beaten in leveling gear. They’ll never be more difficult than they were on day one.

Ok, here my take on progression ,you get gear in the world ,weither it is wq or questing,progess to dungoen ,normal.heroic and if lucky mythic .This same method is applied to raids .I’m I right? if any of these is skipped it’s not a progression it’s cheating the system it was designed.

Whoever these players are, they won’t even be getting Normal in 9.2. Can we get even the elitists to admit that the devs are setting the cap a little too low, for no apparent reason other than to force more players into the 3 pillars who don’t want or need to be there?

I don’t care what I have to do for better loot, as long as I can solo it or queue for it, and the path is physically there.

Callings, world quests, or currencies like Korthian relics would be fine for me. I don’t hate world content.

Gear from solo (or group) instances like Torghast would also be fine for me. I did the 5-mask Horrific Visions in BfA and enjoyed them. I did some of the new Mage Tower challenges.

It might seem like I am suggesting Heroic gear from daily quests, but I mention world content because that is the content that is already there. I realize that development resources are spread really thin, and upping the rewards that already exist would be a quick, easy band-aid fix.

(Of course, challenging solo instanced content would be more interesting, but 9.2 is practically finished and WoW devs’ only option at this point would be to up iLvls for existing systems or add drops to something like Torghast.)


It is still hilarious to think that the mage tower is only back three times a year, each time for a week. What a waste of evergreen content.


Pretty much, but you don’t need to necessarily do all those steps after the first tier. If you’re a decent mythic raider, you start the next tier in heroic. Normal doesn’t do much for you. If you’re good at doing keys, you can skip the line a bit in the next tier.

It’s a horrible fix. They need proper end game solo content if they want to do it, or not at all. Giving easy rewards will drain the need to do any group content. Most people will always take the easiest path.

If your goal is to get the community on your side, suggesting something this unbalanced and unfair will always be met with push back.


But if you did you are not doing progressive content it was design to so boosting and carries is cheating the system even in any of the above content.

You wouldn’t be increasing your item level if you went from mythic in one tier and then started in normal on the next. Your gear is good enough to go straight into heroic. Most mythic guilds do this after the first tier. If you’re like the majority of players, you only do heroic, so you would then need to start in normal on the next tier.

Boosting and buying carries does ignore the progression, so that is accurate. Cheating might be a tad strong though. It is allowable from what I understand, but I’d agree that it’s not in the spirit of the game. If you need those things, you shouldn’t play lol.

Normally, at dungeons and raid you would do these at the same time ,normal to normal raid,etc. So if you do do mythic dungeon by the level you should be doing mythic raids,as soon as you can. But here lays the problem M+ has cheated the system you will totally skip it and not doing the content of the game. Mostly out of pure boredom.

What has this all to do with solo individual in world quest situation on gear is beyond me.

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No, you wouldn’t. Normals become obsolete once you hit the max level. Once you hit 60, it’s a waste of your time to do a normal or even a heroic after the first week of the expansion. That leaves you with PVP, keys, and raids if you want to progress your character. For 99% of players and 100% of players that do keys, you can only get so far before it’s effectively impossible to get any further.

Solo play doesn’t have that and until it does, it can’t ever reward gear that’s really worthwhile.

nearly all the popular MMO’s have solo end game content wow is the odd one for not having it.


So what?

What content do you, the level you play at, is immaterial to being able to judge what rewards are equitable for what content. All that takes is an impartial, judicious point of view.

Low effort/difficulty deserves low end rewards
Medium effort/difficulty deserves medium rewards
High effort/difficulty deserves high end rewards

It’s not that hard to reason out.


Ummm… might want to look at my gear.

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Oh really? then if this where so where are the people? why are they leaving wow or is this the top 1 percent of players left in the game.

Right,and it should be separated from said content. You can’t tame a lone wolf or force him into a pack it doesn’t work that way and the only thing they do is growl and show teeth ,then run off.

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I don’t care about your IO unless you’re doing 1 of 2 things:

  1. trying to join my key group
  2. making claims about how M+ works/should work.

If blizzard dropped heroic raid quality gear in world quests, no one would bother to do normal raiding. Probably not even LFR. You just eliminated two whole levels of progression from the game. They would just add one, or maybe two more levels of progression of group content to compensate. Putting us back to here.

I’m not saying there shouldn’t be some better solo progression in place that could drop high ilvl gear that’s available for all players. Torghast would have been perfect for that. It couldn’t be done repeatedly though. It would have to have been a weekly vault type thing. Or better yet a currency to buy items and also upgrade them to eventually be on par with even mythic world first raiders. You’ll be seeing those same elites clearing the top layers quickly. But it’s something we could all progress in.

Did you see my eternal championship idea? how well do you think that solves the issue?

That you don’t need to worry because I don’t do them after mythic SOB it was a disaster and no loot for two runs.

Allowing ZM gear to go up to 259 would be a good compromise, and would be equivalent to Korthia’s 233 gear.

Heroic/Mythic raiding, higher M+ keys, and higher brackets of rated PvP would still provide better challenges and rewards for the players that want it.

Once 9.2 is fully underway, it would be petty for competitive players to worry about who is wearing 259 gear or how they got it. Solo and willfully casual players need to have their lane back.