End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

Casual players, solo players, these guys really mean “Bad players”. Bad players who want free gear. There’s a space for this type of thing - I think if bad players get normal raid quality gear for just playing the game, that’s probably fine.

These posts where they ask for heroic quality ilvl gear for killing non-elites is pretty goofy though.

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Honestly, I like the solo gameplay in classic way more. Its super simple, but its very chill and relaxing. Its very addicting.

In retail, stressing about how giant rotation while fighting enemy after enemy that each take 2 minutes to take down has been a horrible story experience for this new patch. It’s like they tried to imitate classic without thinking about why people enjoyed it.


It pretty bad, you left them there doesn’t make you an angel.

oh warlock :rofl: sorry.

It is a lot of stress,those that have nerve damage can’t play long in dungeons and raids because of it ,it’s complete turn off,they wouldn’t do them yet they can play the game in the world if it isn’t too complicated.

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I dont think you understand how IO works

Let’s get some serious single player content in this game.


I’m sorry…what? I know people love their hyperbole, but other than fighting a rare, what does it matter what “rotation” you’re using when you’re just questing/leveling?

Hell, ability pruning was a major complaint of the past few years…

Another score system that rates you for what you have done,am I right? if not please, explain.

What does it matter that I do as much damage as I can and heal myself so I can make it as quickly through the maw quests as possible? What are you even asking?

I suppose I could play like an idiot and make the quests take way longer, but why would I do that?

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A solo player. You know know, someone whose actually out playing without a group.

I consider a “bad player” to be someone with few if any fishing achievements.
(you seem ok)

(and to repeat something I’ve said before, I don’t care what the ilvl of my gear is, I care that the world is fun to play in with whatever gear I have when I go into it)


But you want rewards that give you god-like powers. Just as long as you get to gate-keep other players to keep your amazing bling rare.

I think that is an unfair characterization of the point. No one is against solo players having high tier loot. They are against it being way easier for solo players to get high tier loot than group players. Because it should be fair, like you would expect any game to be.

Like if we were playing monopoly and all of a sudden the guy running the game gave the worst player 1000 dollars just because they felt bad for them, the other people who actually played well would rightfully complain.


If you want better gear then do group content.

That’s how it’s always been, when the game was actually popular, and how it always should be.
It’s an online game.
Play with other people.

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<— patiently waiting for “Mage Tower 2.0” :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face:

@devs: please make my 2023 (or 2024?) Christmas

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I suppose, but I’d argue that the entire game is a social activity. I feel their arguments always contradict each other. If WoW is an rpg and there’s no “wrong” way to waste your time away, then time is all you can really be measured by.

We just wouldn’t measure other activities like this. Some people devote every minute of their free time to learning about golf. If I devote less time to it and yet I’m more accomplished than that person, the forum would label me as a hardcore golfer.

So the dev don’t want solo’s to play by themselves and get tier gear without being a part of a group ? So that means then no world questing for solo people because we are all need to be in a group ,oh no wonder ,why the placed a 187k level 61 elites and people that solo have to do the quest in less than 48k gear,nice going blizz,

So the next patch we would see higher level npc’s to down in quest gear,this total defeats playing solo .People would leave.

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So very well written and said, thank you.

Felicity. :seedling:


Bruh, please. Mage Tower was probably the best part of Shadowlands and it wasn’t even from the Shadowlands.

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I mean, the only reason solo exists in the first place is because people don’t always have easy access to a group. Solo exists as a necessity, but I don’t think the devs ever designed the game thinking people would just flat out ignore other players in a multiplayer game all the way until the endgame. Solo is SUPPOSED to be what you do while you don’t have a group, but it isn’t meant to be a complete game on it’s own.

Like, I get it, grouping with other people is uncomfortable. It’s supposed to be, which is why the game pressures you into it. But when you do finally get pressured into it, you often get friends out of the ordeal, this makes the game addicting and causes it to spread like wildfire from all the people telling these interesting social stories to their families and friends. I think its why vanilla originally exploded, and the direction the game has been heading away from that paradigm is why I think its less popular now.


No…the game wasn’t designed around solo content. It’s useful for a time as that will get you into group content, but there’s no progression system when it comes to world quests.

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