End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

That is the sorry state of the game as of now,solo casual play at their time in there way while raiders only log in once or twice a week, but if they have better gear in wq content sure they’ll rush in and just blow stuff up over and over (if they could have better stats) ruining the experience of others in the process. This the reason why the gear is bad at the start because of the raids .Does it make sense ,no.


I’m saying we need some form of eternal championship in game.
a solo 10 boss challenge that gives 1 piece of heroic end boss level loot per week if you kill all 10 bosses, but tuned appropriately for the drop (IE: close to some of the mage towers).


^^ this ^^

i used to have a tank that did raids and dungeons, dabbled in mythics; same with a resto druid, disc priest and resto shaman. just do not care anymore to do the raid grindfest. for what? being told to delete my char and kill myself? no thanks. i enjoy solo play and helping new players and friends.


I would go for this.

By the way, some of the TW Mage Towers I tried were too easy and some were too hard.

The actual intended difficulty needs to be available on PTR, with no stealth buffs before it goes live.

EDIT: The purpose of having the actual difficulty available on PTR would be for proper testing and tuning.


Well,you do have that already it the world bosses and takes less time to do. But if you’re talking about an instance ,give it the raiders so they can have their own(they need their own to leave us alone)

The World Bosses of this game aren’t interesting and dont require the same amount of effort as what I presume is being suggested.

No, I’m talking about an instanced PvE boss rush that can give an item at normal boss (3/10), Normal End boss (5/10) Heroic boss (7/10) and heroic end boss (10/10). you can get 1 Item per week, boss one is tuned around N tarrigrue level, boss 10 is tuned around H sylvanas level.

World bosses are just you get 20+ randoms together and it falls over and dies.

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You would have the most difficulty convincing blizz of this just because they have made loot so rare, asking them to give out one extra piece of loot might cause them to shut down with horror.


Well.wouldn’t they leave after they get their gear from what level they want?

I figured this loot tuning would be cool because it shares an ilvl with M+ max valor, which is infinitely farmable.

I fail to see how that’s a problem. It’s the same thing as people who only do normal raid, never touching heroic. or don’t do keys above x level.

Personally, I just move back to classic. I love classic more than I love retail. I pop into retail to do the latest raid and story quests, then its back to classic. A good method of gear progression that doesnt rely on raids would be nice for the days when I couldnt find raids (I guess people aren’t too happy with SoD, because groups dont seem as popular as they were for nath).

When your in a raid you down the boss you like at normal ,for example, you leave because you don’t want to do the next heroic boss by doing so you inconvenience the others in your group so they’ll have to wait for an replacement( and 16 hrs waiting is no thriils)

Only once Blizzard uncaps valor.

This system would be cute later in a patch, like 8 weeks after launch (sort of sitting where Creation Catalyst resides right now), but definitely not at patch launch.

All this talk of boss fights doesn’t feel like it has anything to do with any solo gameplay.

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Uhh… it doesn’t? Because Mage Tower is boss fights and it is definitely solo gameplay.

The mage tower isn’t gameplay for solo players, it’s a solo instance for raiders.

( edit: in case my attempt at a poetic wording came out sounding like gibberish, I just don’t think there’s a huge overlap between people who enjoy wandering the world alone and people who specialize in intricate gear-and-APM-testing boss fights, although admittedly the sample size of my poll on the subject is just me )


Playing solo is playing solo.

You don’t mean solo players, you mean bad players.

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Classic did gearing right imho it was slow soloing but even,than doing dungeons this is where the beginner started group content ,no boosting or social media where involved we had to do it this way or not,except for a massage,“Hey, do you want to do a dungeon?” Raid normal came from those on your server through guild in my time,those where big social events which some were good (you know them)and some where pretty bad,to be honest.

Then what’s your definition of “solo player?” Because your posts really aren’t helping the perception that they’re “people who just want gear for doing nothing.”

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but how is that a problem in a solo setting?

I’m not saying that all 10 need to be available right away. 1st 3 unlock heroic week, next 2 mythic week, next 2 2 weeks later, last 3 2 weeks after that.

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