End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

that’s infinitely farmable. how is that an issue?

You are telling me its small differences for upgrading legendaries. Its a big ol gold sink for crafters and a ton of gold to farm to recraft those bad boys next patch. 9.2 is likely to have a big content lul so its most worth to upgrade them then until 9.2.5 introduces whatever qol changes. And its a ton of recrafting once you get tier. You can also use it on non tier slots for the transmog and change stats around.

still floors me that we treat fellow players this way. i’m a casual heroic raider (i get AotC and Glory Of every tier, but don’t consider myself HC), i do 12-15 in M+. i would be really, really hard pressed to say another player doesn’t deserve gear.
edit; and no, it does not at all impact you if the players you will never group with or talk to or see ever again after you run past them in Oribos have gear as good as you.


Not really, it uses the Rank 4 pattern just like 9.1’s legendaries did.

Big pain for people trying to get INTO crafting, though, they really should cut the mats costs of ranks 1 through 3 by like 90% so people can GET the pattern.


If they just removed the orboreal shard cost from R1-3, that’s 90% of the issue gone right there for everything except maybe plate

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I agree with this idea of reducing legendary pattern costs, maybe even starting people out with r1, r2, and r3 available to them :+1:


Why? I don’t expect Mythic Sylvanas loot for running LFR 20 times, or doing world quests. If you want the rewards from a particular form of content then work your way towards them.


Well yea crafting 45 pieces of useless gear is definitely going to be a pain point for new crafters and… grinding whatever new reagent in ZM. I’ve been trying to craft pieces I may use on alts, it’s really expensive and you don’t make the money back until you craft like the 45 useless pieces, until then you are losing tons of gold.

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it’s harsh. i don’t really care if you get M loot for running LFR X number of times. it has 0 effect on me or my grp. good for you, go have fun with it.

it’s really funny that the higher end players care so much abt what the lower end players are doing and what their rewards are. i promise, no one randomly running past you in game is taking notice of your gear.


It also has zero bearing on reality.

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i’m really only getting that you hate other players getting the same rewards as you for doing different, or “lesser”, content. and i’ll likely never understand that outlook.


I never said this either, as you know. I stated quite clearly that players of the highest level content SHOULD receive the best rewards as they always have. The ability to progress and feel good about it is still important to solo players and they deserve to feel that they have a reason to still play the game and progress beyond resorting to content that they are no longer comfortable about engaging in.

The alternative is to reach max level then just amuse yourself playing in old content until the next expac drops.

A lot more people used to love dungeons and raiding in Warcraft, myself included. Abuse, insults and raging egos has taken much of the fun out of this type of game play…GAME PLAY (think about that for a moment)…and many of these same people have found more pleasure in solo play, away from the insults and drama, than all of that.

I know I am wasting my time. Nothing ever changes here. The distain for solo players is almost palpable at times and a sad commentary on what was once a really fun game for players of all kinds. (Yay, e-sports)

“Too bad” seems like a pretty trite consolation for what was once an amazing experience.



Yet if you had to run LFR x times for a guaranteed piece of mythic loot, every mythic raider would feel forced to run LFR x times to get that piece for the probable upgrade early in the season.

Is this projection? I’m saying that I don’t understand how people who don’t play the game feel entitled to high tier rewards without engaging in high tier content. Just play the game.

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Look at it with this metaphor. If you and someone else mowed the same lawn and both got paid 20 dollars, no issue. But what if you mowed the back yard and it was twice as big as the front yard. The other person mows the front yard works half as hard/long and you both still only get 20 dollars. Wouldn’t you be like “Hey, wait a minute…”

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9.0 was better than 9.2 is going to be because you could get 197 covenant sets with bonuses and 197 unrated PvP gear for PvE. Yet ZM gear in 9.2 is going to be 246, the equivalent of 194 in 9.1.

9.2 is going to be the worst for solo gearing, if you look at the relative iLvls.

Elitists keep saying that the game is getting better for the bads and soloists, but the numbers tell a different story.

Not really. Titanforging hurt hardcores more than it helped solos or casuals, because most of us aren’t going to spam content we hate for hours on the off chance that something Titanforges on a slot that it would be an upgrade for.

But if Titanforging means that we can have higher drop rates, I would go back to it. And my brain is working correctly enough for me to appreciate an occasional “gift” upgrade from the RNG gods rather than be upset that some bad out there is wearing max iLvl boots because he got lucky on a world quest.


Good. You got spoiled in 9.0 and 9.1 and didn’t appreciate what you had.

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No mmo’s handle solo content well because most dont last more than a year or two.

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What’s with all the asocial people in mmos, anyways?


Not really, since you can find 249 items from rares/chests/world quests in ZM. This isn’t a pure nerf, this is closer to them reverting a buff.