End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

Then why would anyone do hard content if they can get the same rewards doing easier content?
I don’t think it’s hate towards other players getting shiny things, it’s more along the lines of “you can go out and get it too, it just takes work.”
There’s jealousy towards these players because they have what we want. So we trash them and demand the same shiny objects but without any effort.

Sigh, not saying some of those players aren’t elitiest jerks, saying there are wannabe elitist jerks in these here forums.


I just don’t want content to not be put in as to prop up engagement with specific forms of content. Why is it there aren’t more dungeons every patch, is the item/loot table ecosystem really that fragile? Why are there not more game modes for pvp outside of team ones that a large portion of the player base has been exposed to for years and years?

There’s plenty of things high end raiders, m+ pushers, and pvpers are irritated with in terms of game design for this expac, but I still think this game is too narrow focused in terms of what type of content give rewards that allow players to have access to other parts of the game.

This game does a bad job of compensating people for their time and effort outside of very specific group/team based environments and it’s approach to solo modes have trivialized it into something more like a chore than content.


I consider myself a social person outside of the game. But I refuse to keep exposing myself to the toxicity of pugs for weeks on end just to have some sense of power progression in this game.

Easier, untimed, unranked content is less toxic because there are fewer wipes and fewer freak-outs when people do wipe.


I honestly think its because the game is designed by raiders for raiders. That does suck for people who have enjoyed WoW for other reasons, but there is nothing any of us can really do about it.

So I would really encourage people to try raiding.

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Then join a guild and make friends in game. Problem solved.

I don’t think you’ll get too much disagreement from either group.

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If it was designed by raiders for raiders, why were covenants locked? why did conduit energy exist? why did it take this long to get cross faction?

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Quick bump because this topic matters

As a quick side-note before I tab out again… it’s curious how the Community Council posters are strangely absent from this thread, despite them claiming to “represent” the everyday/World-Questing casual player (which this thread is aimed at) :thinking:


lack of cross faction and terminally ignoring everyone abandoning the alliance

My bad.
It’s designed by horde raiders for horde raiders.

As for the covenants and conduit energy, its really just about stretching content out in an attempt to keep people subbed.

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I have no interest in any raiding difficulty I can’t pug in less than 3 hours. I don’t really want to join a e-cult to get micromanaged for 1-2% more efficiency. Did a lot of PuG heroic raids in legion was fun to heal as shadow cov disc and watch people rage whisper you “youre not playing right” while topping meters.

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I feel like I am in a different world when people say stuff like this to me. What is WoW to you? I feel like WoW is all min-maxing and group play and always has been.

Making a fun build that I enjoy playing and seeing how well I can do with it. Gearing up so I can help my friends when they play and killing everyone I don’t know at every given possible opportunity. N’zoth dagger was ahead of it’s time.

You can have more fun in games if you don’t focus on min/maxing. That is a hardcore player mentality that you can do in any game. Or not think much of it and think of the fun aspect.

Some builds are not very optimal or good but they feel better to play.

Compare a casual pokemon player to a hardcore vcg player and they play the game differently. One will probably enjoy the game in other ways.

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You literally asked what islands prior.

Mechagon is a zone like Korthia, which I forgot to mention originally. It has nothing to do with expeditions. It’s just an island full of stuff to do solo that you conveniently ignored.

Class Halls have a unique campaign for every class and sent you around all of Azeroth. Twelve is greater than 4. They both had things to do in the overworld. What expansive rewards do Covenants have? A backpack? I’d rather have the class mounts. And artifacts.

Which reminds me, Legion had invasions. And Mage Tower. SL resurrected MT as a patch feature a couple of times a year lol

Treasures in MoP lead to what they were in WoD to SL. They also added little lore things you could find. It was a huge step up from Vanilla - Cata.

By your own admission I named things another expansion had for solo content that SL doesn’t. You claimed SL has “vast” amounts more yet came up with 4 things, again by your own admission, other expansions had.

You seriously don’t see what a new class, race, or profession add to solo play? I spent a lot of time unlocking Allied Races, leveling them, leveling a Pandaren, exploring and questing in the new starter zones.

All right, ya got me there. I’m still waiting for the “vast” amounts of content SL offers for solo players other expansions didn’t.

Pet battles alone were way more involved in MoP than now. There were trainers, masters, legendaries, and tournaments to go through. SL has some dailies.

Archaeology and Brawler’s Guild were cut. The whole expansion started two solo activities down compared to three of the prior expansions.

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Yea Wrong I love people that try to spin doctor stuff to fit there description. While it stand for mutiplayer online it doesn’t mean just play with ONLY people it means that you are around with others PERIOD.

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Silver proving grounds was never a requirement for LFR. Why did you feel the need to lie?

Proving grounds as a requirement for heroic dungeons was only relevant for the first month of the expansion. They removed the requirement at the end. Of course, by then most of the people who left for a multitude of reasons were gone and didn’t come back.

Devs create changes to features. Not players. They have said they take no feedback from players. Stop making things up.

It was a requirement for heroic dungeons in Warlords

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But never for LFR. And the requirement was removed before the end of the expansion, when it was irrelevant because everybody overgeared it.

If WoW was real life I would beat the raid bosses 1v1 so I dont find raids very realistic

so strange what wow has become.

this is a quest for glory, not a quest for gear