End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

Imagine being so bad at this game you actually flex achievement points :joy:

Get some achievements that actually take skill in the game and then come talk to me.

If you feel the need to spend over 100k to get the benefit of a flask, that’s on you.

Not all achievements are created equal

Totally agree that there should be solo-able activities at max level outside of doing pet battles. It’s pathetic how little content there is to do if you’re not rating, M+, or PvP. We did have great solo content in the form of the mage tower but they removed it because they want to boost their quarterly monthly active users when they bring it back every 6 months. That’s how it goes.

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I’d like them to make something like the Eternal Championship in SWTOR. A solo 10 boss challenge run that gives you raid quality gear if you can clear all 10 bosses solo, weekly lockout.

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No where does it say anything about Solo rewards being equal to group rewards tho.
Guess your post is void too, b/c Vanilla had AWFUL solo rewards. All the best gear came from raids, which you had to do 5 mans to get geared for.

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Max ilvl double legendaries on like 1-2 specs is not worth a flask lol

going from 235 to 262 is 2 food buffs worth of stats

Realistically player B is more hardcore because 40 hours/week is a lot of hours. But you will have people constantly say player A is because he is doing mythic raiding and RP is a social activity.

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Yeah, but on a psychological level people die in the first minute of a fight and go “but I don’t have a bis legendary, it must be that”.

Next patch its going to 291
 ya know?

262 legendary pants: 114 int, 84 of each secondary.
291 legendary pants: 149 int, 94 of each secondary.

difference: 35 int, 20 secondary stats total.
flask: 70 int.
food buff: 20 int or 30 secondary.

235 legendary pants: 88 int, 74 of each secondary.
diff from 291: 61 int, 20 of each secondary (40 total).
Effective consumable difference: 1 flask + 1 food buff.

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Unity requires recraft. And you may need to move slots with tier sets

Only if your current legendary is a belt.

If you’re not raiding, you won’t. there are 5 tier slots, you need 4 to activate the set bonus, and you’re going to be deterministically upgrading gear to be tier unless you’re raiding/get lucky with vault from M+/PvP, so you just don’t upgrade gloves if you’re using legendary gloves.


Your bis legendary may also not be the same next patch. And pugging mythics will get you tier eventually.

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The current theory is that tier is just added to the M+ loot table. the total M+ loot table for most specs is about 90-100 items. expect about a 5-6% droprate in vault. statistically, you will be filling slots with catalyst before you get 4set from vault.

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As will most raiders, for that matter.

Probably. At least we won’t have the situation where my friend doesn’t get antorus 4set until 6 weeks before BFA pre-patch.

A strawman if I ever saw one. We don’t even get Normal! Give us upper Normal (259) in ZM and I for one will rest my case.

Compare this to previous patches where we could get Heroic, or Normal way back when Heroic was the highest.


There is a catch up mechanic for tier same currency for upgrading legendaries to rank 7

You were complaining that it was “historically low” and then (in the same sentence), you showed that it was exactly the same as it was in 9.0. The idea is to use the world to get a toon ready for normal or the 1st half of heroic.

Ahh, you were just asking for Titanforging to come back.

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