End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

While ignoring that they can PILOT A ROBOT in ZM and don’t really need gear.

I think this is the absolute biggest problem with raiding right now. The extend meta is so toxic for Mythic raiding and I honestly think it is the biggest source of raider drama for the majority of Mythic Raiders and likely will be going into 9.2. With M+ loot able to be upgraded via Creation Catalyst into raid gear, I think the existing issues that raiders have with raid loot and M+ are going to be massively exacerbated.

We’re only getting a single skip in this raid at Anduin, and big money says most guilds are going to extend indefinitely once they get to Anduin. I don’t know why Blizzard doesn’t just allow you to do raid skips on Mythic after one kill.

How do zone buffs help me to solo rares in the maw? Or solo old raids? Or help with farming in other zones? Or help you do the new torgast layers? Or help with island expeditions and transmog farms in old content?


You mean with old content?

You don’t need better gear to do old content, you already outgear it.

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It makes doing them way faster. Something mythic plus gear do. Best solo gear is group content gear. Making runs go faster is more gph.


Spending hours or tens of hours to make a few minutes of trivial chores slightly faster :ok_hand:

No but I think it could be argued that clearing out old raids and older content was funnier to do before Blizzard decide to apply a sledge hammer to our stats.


Hey if I want gear to solo rares faster why would that be so bad? That’s something desirable for professions like skinners to make the leather farming much better. And helps with collecting cosmetics from all sorts of content.

Right now bis solo gear is in premade content. Time is money after all.


You mean the level squish?

Level squish was idiotic, no question about it. I fought against it long and hard but I was constantly being told that big numbers like “120” were terrifying people.

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emblems of heroism and emblems of valor were not like that. emblems of frost was when it changed… nice try though lol

oh and you could get a maximum of 93 emblems of frost per week BTW.

The number of Emblem of Frost you can obtain per week is 93 .


If. You. Raided.

Which is why I explained to you:

But I’m glad you’re confirming that I was correct.

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And still wrong.

still wrong. every boss dropped emblems of heroism and then next patch valor. again i will say they changed it for emblems of frost. and again regardless you could still get 93 per week invalidating your comment of 2 per day regardless of obtainment method.

but this is neither here nor there. i was there i geared almost 20 alts with emblems or heroism and emblems of valor so i know. now go sit in a corner and let the vets continue with the facts.


you’re going to be soloing existing rares faster with an extra 16 ilvls on your gear.

Thinking about her (cata 70s)

it hurts when you bad yea? i refer a friend myself 6 times and made use of all that exp boost. i dont have 200 toons as i said nearly its exactly 177 toons i have. thank you come again.

Yet I’m actually not bad. I have skill based achievements and logs that back that up.

Way to completely miss the point. 177 or 200 doesn’t matter. You’re still wrong.

Dang, nearly 200 chars.


I’m not that deranged and I have like 36.6k points.

Rn its just gold farming for all the legendaries I gotta buy/craft for all my characters next patch. Not looking forward to that.

ok lol i remember when i had 16k achievements like 12 years ago. then had a 8 year break. anyway not gonna argue over what i have when my achievements back up every word that comes from my mouth. go play for a decade to catch up and we will talk more then lol