End the war on solo gameplay in WoW (Part 1)

He may mean in terms of systems.

Like, the ability to earn a currency, then target your preferred pieces. My rogue got bis weps on week 2 of the season, whereas there are CE rogues I know who haven’t gotten their dagger from mythic sylvanas in 20+ kills.

There’s a lot of controversy among how they handled pvp gearing in SL, particularly form the unskilled (unranked) but being able to target exactly what you want is great.

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Ummmmm, ok… care to elaborate though? :joy: Something like a very brief list of items “disproving” the quote would suffice

Having raiding tossed into the Great Vault, a system designed for PvP and Mythic+ that only works for PvP and Mythic+, and absolutely DOES NOT work for progression raiding because most weeks you aren’t killing ANY bosses… how is that favoring Mythic raiders, again?

It’s on you to offer substance to your ridiculous claims.

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He’s only asking because he sees other people say it.

Like asking if the headline on the National Enquirer I saw at the checkout aisle today was real or not.


how so? you get all the improvements of 9.1.5 for covenants, gear balance for non-raiders and non-pvp players is back to 9.0, and there are no more renown levels.

Sorry, but when I reached the appeal to Microsoft I lost it :laughing:

I would give op + 100 upvotes if I could , well done op and I think like you about this game.


I think you need to do some re-reading/put on your glasses, friend. I wasn’t saying the quote myself, merely pointing out that it’s a common claim posted by GD’ers :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, many such cases.


It MUST be true.

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I do think that Heroic raiding is a little unrewarding considering the difficulty and coordination involved. The Great Vault row for Heroic raiding is almost always going to be lower in item level than your Mythic dungeon row.

How would you feel if raiding got bumped up to current Mythic item levels (e.g. 252/259 in 9.1) and Mythic raiding was for time-limited cosmetics and achievements only? You could spend a couple of hours farming the Heroic raid for gear each week, while progressing on Mythic.

I think Blizzard passed the point of “who cares?” with cosmetics years ago.

Most people I know have well over 500 mounts already, for example. They get a new one, say “Oh neat,” ride it for 10 minutes, and then put it away to collect dust.

It’s a pretty big problem, I have no idea if they’re even trying to think of ways to fix it or not.

There was no point, it was the part of the argument about islands that you clung to dismiss they were not group content.

What does zones have to do with island expeditions?

Both had a story, mog, and mount reward.
Both had mission tables.
Covenants has a unique adventure for each one as well as unlocking events in the overworld.
Covenants added more expansion to the rewards you could get as compared to previous versions of class halls.

No it didn’t, treasure in the overworld has been around since WoW started. They also were less hidden as this was the point the dwarf racial for seeing treasure on the map was made universal.

That paragraph was also filled with stuff from previous xpacs or just in the base game. And this argument-

Means every xpac has added next to nothing in terms of new content. Dungeons have been around since vanilla, seems like group content has gotten diddly from all these xpacs.

And you are right, I forgot about pet battles and the brawlers guild. But I want you to measure what every xpac has had in total, not every previous xpac together, and compare them. How much was there for a solo player to do in each one?

That’s crazy, I solo group into heroic raids and 15’s, guess they are solo content now!

Shadowlands added death knight to every race and is expanding the character design options… again what is your point on solo play? If you want to bash Shadowlands for it’s quality go ahead, but that isn’t the argument to be had.

Wod was the first expac that Blizz tried to shut down flying… completely. By the time legion rolled around, blizz had backed down. They still tried to restrict it but by then, they made it clear we had won with pathfinder as a compromise. And ever since then the ability to regain flying has gotten easier subsequently. Yes its still stupid there are zones with absolutely zero flying but at least it’s not the entire freaking expansion zone like with wod at the start with no indication of future flying at all.

The more you know. :rainbow:

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Is it though?

When I see someone riding Vengeance I think that’s pretty cool. Obviously your prestige mount from 10 expansions ago means nothing because I don’t know what it even means, but recent mounts with prestige are typically prestigious.

I mean besides the Great Vault complaint (see above), there are plenty of other things that annoy raiders.

  • Weapon drops are absurdly rare. Forced personal loot aggravates this. We’ve been sharding trinkets and rings from Painsmith for ages and have gotten ONE fist weapon. Despite gaming the personal loot system as much as possible by loading up the raid with melee-loot-spec characters (including some alts).
  • Skips are barely skips. BRF, HFC, those were skips. Go in, teleport to the wing you want (or the last boss, in the case of BRF). These days we’re at “kill 2 to 5 bosses to get where you want to be” and it’s tedious. For a while we had NO skips so things are moving in the right direction I guess, but they have a long way to go, still.
  • Spreadsheet bosses are a huge problem. Every end boss since Ghuun has been a spreadsheet boss, and they’re a royal pain in the rear.
  • Fights are too long. Denathrius at 10 minutes was already long. Sylvanas at 15 minutes is like taking Mythic Denathrius and adding Sludgefist as Phase 1, in terms of fight length. Absurd.
  • Potions and feasts are WAY TOO EXPENSIVE because the recipes require WAY TOO MANY MATERIALS. They started this “raider tax” in Legion and haven’t let up on it.
  • Class-specific buffs/debuffs suck. Bring back multiple overlaps (like in Wrath) or buff scrolls. Also a problem for critical abilities like Mass Dispel and Warlock Gates. How many guilds have killed Mythic Sylvanas without a Priest? As far as I know, two. We were one of them. NOT recommended.

from what I read ZM is going to be pretty casual friendly. the gear you get from it should be more than enough to do stuff on the island


Very true. You can only ride one mount or transmog one appearance on each slot at a time, so many people don’t see the point of collecting hundreds of options.

I’m just saying, I used to raid casually in the older expacs, and I enjoyed steamrolling through the easier raid difficulties each week hoping for upgrades.

But “progression” raiding isn’t appealing to most players these days. You don’t get gear if you save your raid lockout and wipe for hours on the same boss.

Even Heroic raiding these days is too difficult for typical groups to steamroll through, and so they can more easily get gear from PvP or Mythic dungeons. That’s why a bump up would be more appropriate in my opinion.

But we can’t keep nerfing or removing other gearing systems just to make raiding seem more rewarding by comparison; raiding needs to be for the challenge and prestige, if raid groups don’t want to reset their lockouts to farm easier bosses and difficulties for the gear.

Yeah, OP just seems to be whining that they don’t get heroic raid items from ZM