Partially true. You can hit blue and purples with no consumables if you’re a good player. But orange parses require a flask, elixirs, and all world buffs, regardless of skill.
which i have. Im sure if i was fully enchanted and actually cared to show up to raids in pve spec more often with the designated “BiS PVE Sword talent spec” i would get more. But again. I dont
Large majority of players who complained were allaince.
I believe only horde on heart seeker complained
That’s because a large majority of pvp servers were heavy horde. It wasn’t about faction, it was about existing server balance. And as you pointed out, horde on the ONE alliance heavy pvp server did the same thing alliance did on the other servers. It wasn’t an alliance problem, and if imbalance was reversed the same issue would’ve existed, except horde wouldve been the “victim”
Joining a premade is not a solution to pugs being matched against premades.
And it’s also a highly hypocritical solution to propose because you don’t actually want that. That would result in the same thing as the matching system simply matching premades vs premades and pugs vs pugs. Which you adamantly do not want and have made quite clear you want to rely on easy wins vs pugs.
it was mainly an alliance problem. I didnt see horde posting videos of having to ghost walk to BRM. Nonetheless you didnt answer why alliance didnt just “join a guild, make friends and use player solving problems to succeed”
I did just that. I never went anywhere in the open world without a group, and I bought ports instead of taking boats. I can’t speak for everyone else. It was impossible to get anything done solo, so I either grouped up or logged off.
Btw people are still subjected to world pvp. Horde rankers are still out camping FP’s, you still die 5-6 times getting to BRM solo, especially during primetime, both factions, because I get my 15 HK’s omw to BWL Tuesday nights. It’s just less prevelant than it was in phase 2.
This game has always been easier when you group up, I dont see why BG’s should be any different.
I’m not worried about HPH at all. As a healer I have 0 issues finding premade groups to join. The thing is I’m a casual PVP’er in the sense that I do not care at all for ranking. So when the premade I’m in wants to throw away the match, or hungrily tries to farm pugs as many times as possible before they stop rezzing it kills my incentive to want to PVP in bgs.
The only people getting a free pass are premades getting matched against pugs.
Just having a role check only helps some of the issue with pugging. There’s no guarantee people will follow through with their role check or even try. Premades avoid both those issues.
You’re literally asking for a free pass. I don’t understand how you don’t see it. You want the rewards of premades without having to face them, while people who dont queue solo do have to face the rankers. I get 5 capped by them same as you. Why should I have to continue losing to them while you don’t?
But they can. Especially if they weren’t subjected to premades. All it takes it rank is time and effort. There’s nothing stopping you from solo ranking to rank 14 right now, it would be incredibly difficult and time consuming, but possible.
All winning in BG’s takes is organization and preperation, not skill, if you’re not willing to do that tbh you deserve to lose.
In classic it is. There is not and has never been the implication that games will be fair, only that you get a full team of 10/15/40. That’s what every single change to “fix” pvp has tried to do.