End Boosting to Protect WoW

Wrong, your opinion isn’t fact mr NPD

Wrong boosts are cheaper per hour than farming ZF on mage. If we really wanted to fight RMT we would just delete the pvp server since they are the ones doing it all

Only people who already hit 60, not our fault you are behind

There are no difficult rotations in classic, theres barely any with more than 1 or 2 buttons.

Nope this is false, how you play the game has no impact on me

Sure bots have a little impact, but not enough to care about


This is against ToS and people should be banned for it, but its unrelated to this

Show pay stub like I did.

Oh wait you’re so insecure you can’t even post on your main on a video game forum.

We are not the same

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He all of sudden became a “real estate investor” after reading about what I did who is magically “way more successful” at it than I am. Hes actually just a drunk aussie who probably works in the salt mines all day or w/e they do down there

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Pay stub from rentals? You only get pay stubs if you’re an employee.

I know this is too much for your trucker brain to understand.

post some rent rolls then

The only one with NPD is you because you’re getting angry and insulting people who don’t like that you’re cheating the system for your three alts because you’re too lazy to play the game as intended.

Everything that costs gold encourages RMT.
The built in systems(like mounts and class skills) are bad enough we don’t need player systems like Boosting and GDKP adding fuel to the fire.

Look at my server and my level.

I never said anything about rotations.
I said knowing how to play the class.
There’s a distinction there you didn’t pick up.

You can put a drinking bird on your desk and it can do the DPS rotation for most classes.
That drinking bird wouldn’t be able to pro-actively react to something in the game happening and do something like polymorph an add that was accidentally pulled.

Much like a player who boosted the whole way to 60 without playing their class wouldn’t know what to do.

Im boosting alts rn that i would not be if not for boosting

You have proof of getting paid, it’s irrelevant what you call it lmao.

Stay duckin

Everyone on the forums a millionaire.

Im not angry, you are the one begging and groveling to have boosting taken away because you are broke in game and can’t afford it. I also have way more than 3 alts high enough to do alch cd’s now.

Then its pointless because there is always something to buy with gold, glad you agree with me.

Congrats, that was probably a long 10 days /played

Same thing

Sounds like you just run with dogs, that never happened when I did my prebis grind. But we know how to do pulls in my guild.

You played to 60 and still don’t know what to do, way to prove yourself wrong

At least i’m honest, I make enough to not have a job but im not driving a lambo lmao

That describes Chadorpg too.
Dude’s posting on a Crusader Strike character and commenting about what it’s like on Dreamscythe.

Most of the non-main character posters are just negative nancies trying to start fights.

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I’m a 10th grade drop out making 100k.

17% of people make 100k+ a year.

But everyone on the forums makes 100k+ magically, I even linked my paystubs lmfao, idc.

He’s shown and posted his cata main at least.

And he has killed heroic rag in cata.

I have to post on an alt, toxic dads like you would harass me otherwise.

I’ve posted on main before, but a name like volhance just doesn’t get the discussion going like chadtopg

You are the most toxic regular poster on the forums dog.

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Lots of people say that i’m toxic because I don’t blindly agree with them and point out that its a narcissistic trait to want to dictate what other people do so badly. Say what you want about me but you’re the one obsessed with controlling other people, major red flag

No, you’re toxic because you insult people for disagreeing with you.
I engage with arguments.
We are not the same.

My not liking boosting “has no impact” on you.

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I only insult people who’s arguments are based on narcissistic tendencies like you, where you are trying to ruin the game to make yourself feel better

You haven’t refuted anything i’ve said at all, just repeated your opinion as fact over and over.

This is correct, because I’m right on this issue.

Yeah but i’m not trying to ban things, you are. If you don’t want to boost I fully support you hand leveling every character to 60 and respect the grind.