End Boosting to Protect WoW

Boosting is harming the game and its community. It clogs the LFG channel, making it harder to find real groups, and ruins alt progression by leaving content tiers empty. Although advertised for in-game gold, boosting often leads to gold buying, which fuels botting and account theft. Say no to boosting and help maintain the game’s integrity.


Wait so less people reaching max level is good for the game?


Sorry my alts aren’t gonna carry you through dungeons, you have to pave your own way


Less people running dungeons on their alts means less new players to the server reaching 60 because they have nobody to run dungeons with and burn out from just questing.


Boosting undermines WoW by skipping the progression that makes the game engaging. It creates dead zones in leveling, making it harder for new players and alts to find groups. LFG is flooded with ads, frustrating genuine players, and the high cost of boosts often pushes people to buy gold, fueling botting and harming the economy. The game doesn’t benefit when level 60s raid log after skipping the journey. WoW thrives when players experience the content and build connections, not when they take shortcuts.


Doing stockades isn’t engaging progression

its wrong to assume those people would do regular dungeons without boosting

Not on the good server

Boosts are very cheap

This has nothing to do with boosting, in fact more 60’s are taken out of the world if boosting is gone.

This is a feel good statement that means nothing in practice, people play how they want and they don’t need your permission to do so


These people take those shortcuts because the only thing they care about is gear.
Everything along the way to 60 is an inconvenience to them getting their BiS.
Everything at 60 is also an inconvenience which is why there’s a large focus from a specific segment of the community to speedrun all of the content.

You can see this in the community when people express sentiments like “Now I can play the game.” when they achieve whatever their specific goal is be it getting to level 60 or getting BiS gear so they can PVP without worrying about losing due to being outgeared by someone.

Many PVPers view Raids as an inconvenience in the same way that many PVEers consider BG rep grinds or Honor Grinds an inconvenience because some of those BiS/Pre-BiS items are AV Rep items or Rank Items.


I’ve had no issues getting groups for any dungeon, in any role, on either faction up to level 40.

I guess I’ll see if that continues but I’m not too worried.


Is that on Era or Anniversary?
Anniversary there’s a ton of people still running leveling dungeons.
On Era it’s like 75% boosters.


Should have clarified-yes anniversary.

I didn’t consider era and that’s a mistake on my part. My natural assumption on these threads is they are referring to anniversary but that’s not the right way to think about it.

Thanks for the insight Mokjin.

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It helps if the OP specifies which version of the game they’re talking about though in this case Boosting is on all versions of Classic.

This isn’t about permission; it’s about the health of the game. Boosting damages WoW, which is why Blizzard has taken steps to limit it, such as changes in SoD and original Classic. Boosting might be cheap, but it encourages laziness and fewer groups for players who actually enjoy playing the game. It also leads to burnout from questing and fewer long-term subs, ultimately harming the community. Blizzard wouldn’t have added a report option for boosting if it wasn’t a problem.


You want to dictate how other people play


Boosting is done by people who are playing alts.

Those people dont enjoy the grind like you do, they already just did the grind on their mains.

You not liking how they play is irrelevant.

They arent breaking any rules.


They’re degrading the game that’s why Blizzard took steps to reduce boosting in SoD and original Classic. If it wasn’t harmful, why did they implement a report option for it? Care to explain that?


The report option isnt to report people boosting, its to report people advertising in the wrong channel.

Atleast make sense.

Advertising boosting in the wrong channel is whats against the rules, not boosting.


If people are playing in a way that’s bad for the longevity of the game it’s okay to critique it.

This is why people complained about Twinks in Vanilla. They’re bad for leveling BGs because the levelers get destroyed and stop queueing. We recently saw what that was like when the SoD BGs were mixing with the Anni BGs.

Twinks in the 19/29 brackets regularly 10v1 people like the SoD players were doing to the Anni players.


Retail lite

TBC and boosting still existed in strat and spens

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Some make the choice to /dance by the dungeon or go run quests. I run quests usually. For a few reasons.

One of boosts side bene’s is that run is happening. and real soon.
Basically as soon as the money is given over. Less /dance parties by doors vice lfg waits. I jsut don’t have the 60 to bank roll that for alts…yet lol.

I have limited time some days…I need to make xp decently. 30 minutes of /dance waits is not something I like to do. I go murder hobo mode in quests.

also travel time issues. LFG peeps will usually take the dude closer to the dungeon over the dude who is 1000’s of miles away (in game scale).

1 dps slot, 2 aspirants. Its stocks. one dps is in elywnn forest area. I could be 4 minutes out from astranaar. ergo the other 10 to 15 minutes of flight and boat (miss the boat, more wait time) time to even get to SW.

I will lose out to the elwynn area dps. Red or dark…is jsut a bit closer than astranaar in ashenvale.

Once I call it, its quest night in ashenvale, I am out of the dungeon pool. I accept its not happening and move on.

NGL…i liked how rdf fixed these issues. and killed boosting. there is no need for boosters in rdf. the pops will come in time. Cata boosting just switched to hyperspawn farmings.

Which I deemed pointless. you’d get xp and better gear spamming cata RDF with questing really. But if some wanted to pay for that, whatever floats their boat.


I still wouldn’t dungeon if boosting wasn’t a thing, I don’t want to take 2 hours to clear a wailing caverns when my playtime is limited…

These people pay a sub, to play the game the way they want to play. I’ve boosted my own rogue from 30-48 so far in Mara, making gold, having fun, learning the Mara 300 pull. Getting my moneys worth :slight_smile: