What a silly post. Just like when people say “banning gdkps means the game will end”. Somehow the game grew and thrived without either for years and years.
And, quite frankly, this isn’t the type of player Classic should be catered to. You know what happens if boosting was banned? They go play Retail. Blizzard loses nothing. What the Classic team should be doing is appealing to a different type of player. But they’re not. They just want toxic, tryhard min/max Retail dropouts who couldn’t hack it in that game. Who actually pay to not play the game. And then say, “Don’t judge me!!!”
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the version of wow that they tested the gdkp ban in lost like 300k raiders the same phase.
No, they just don’t have alts and theres even less trade chat pugs, they still raid on main like they would anyways.
Appealing to bad players usually leads to extremely unpopular systems, like LFR.
This means nothing when taking 20 minutes a week to get worldbuffs is what people call “tryhard”
I boost my alts and I play more than you
We don’t care what grey parsers think, we just don’t want blizzard to think a vocal minority speaks for everyone
Forums are funny, free clown shows from the likes of you and this zaalg goof
There’s a reason that dude has been hiding for 6 years.
I highly doubt it’s because he’s good at the game.
It’s just no one will take antis serious they all show us their grey and green parses and later on they can’t clear content.
Which is why they all hide on rats
The european is trying to be cool and play on american servers.
Brah you called yourself shredded. Go back to eating rice skinny boy
brahh yah cohled yoahsself shraedded. gao bahck t’ aytin roice skeenny boy
Chad, I know your education system failed you. I am very happy that you still try.
Maybe if you earn enough money on cata gdkps you can expand your education to that of a normal person outside of the US.
Today is that day
chahd, Oy knaow yoah educuytion system filed yah. Oy am very hahppy thaht yah steell troy. mybee if yah eahn enough monay on cuyta gdkps yah cahn expahnd yoah educuytion t’ thaht of a nohmahl puhs’n eow’soide of the us. tuh-die is thaht die
You are almost there. These are some of your most legible posts yet!
yah ahh oolmaowst theah. thaese ahh some of yoah maowst laegible paowsts yaeh’!
I am happy gdkps are banned, keeps people like chad poor
Oy am hahppy gdkps ahh bahnned, kayps people loike chahd poor
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If only it would increase your skill at the game, you wouldn’t need to hide then!
Are you seriously mocking one of the sexiest accents on the planet??
Bro doesn’t live in the real world. He doesn’t know
Ew IDK what to say to that
I’m late to the party and i’ve been running every dungeon i want/need just fine. Remove boosting and you’ll just get a bunch of toxic people who don’t want to be in your dungeons in them.
I’d rather not deal with classic egomaniacs. Every run i’ve been in so far has been chill, probably not a coincidence.
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Mans built like a pool noodle and he’s talking…