Just tried it. Still broken.
Bugged on Malfurion. So stymied on completing the Kyrian assault which was the last one my alt needed for achievements. Suspect it cannot/will not be fixed before the next assault comes along, so will have to wait for two weeks for Kyrian assault to come around again. Mediocre (Mad Max voice) by Blizzard - as always.
Same problem on Kel’Thuzad… Dude, you can’t make this s#it up! What is happening with Blizzard? It keeps pilling up this sort of crap.
Same problem on Whisperwind. Is there seriously no Blue Post on this yet?
Was able to get the quest to work by switching zones. Teleported to Oribos and back. Hope this helps
Seems to have been hotfixed. Working this evening.
I got it completed just now after being unable to do it last night. Oops wrong toon I selected haha my priest got it done.
I had the same problem but I came back the next day and it worked just fine. So I guess a solution would be to just wait?