Encouraging Words quest broken

Same here on Lightbringer can’t use item tried reloading, zoneing out of Maw and even logging out. No change still doesn’t work .

Aye, it be booged for me as well

Another update that screws things up. Feathermoon here unable to finish encouraging words which means you cant complete the Kyrian assault AND it also effects shaping fate. Way to go Blizzard! A trifecta of causing your game payers grief!

Same here unable to complete quest. i even went so far as to disable all addons and still no go.

Same on Perenolde

My quest is bugged also. On realm Uldum

Quest is bugged here on Fenris realm as well. Nothing I do gets it to work.

Same. All solutions posted in this thread didn’t do anything. Abandoned Quest, Reloaded UI, Exited Game, etc.

Same here on Wyrmrest Accord. Tried reloading, relogging, abandoning/picking up. Broken for sure.

Same here, not working on Ghostlands

Same issue. Quest is bugged in Thrall as well.

Same issue in Nazgrel serve

same - lightbringer - encouraging words not working - codex of renewed vigor is a no go - casts but nothing happens. I’ve reloaded, disabled, etc. - no change

Having the exact same issue…I’m on Thunderhorn.

Same here. US-Azralon

Ditto. Shadowlands Maw Kyrian assault quest “Encouraging Words” is broken. The “Codex of Renewed Vigor” does not work. Realm US-Tanaris. Date March 16, 2022.

Same in Bladefist. Did all of that as well. I reported it as a bug to the WoW team. Hopefully they fix it soon.

Still doesn’t work as of 3/16/2022

Still not working 3/16/22. Currently on Exodar

Still buggggggged - 3/16/22. Alleria