Enchanting Needs Attention

I do need to preface this by how its the first week and this possibly could solve itself, but right now the amount of Dust required for recipes is not at all appropriate for the amount you receive. Its also worth noting that I’m not disenchant spec, but I doubt that disenchanting is giving 4x the dust when you’re spec’d for it. Even if it is, that represents a lack of disenchant spec’d players and needs adjusting all the same.

Right now most non-budget recipes require 30-100(!) dust per enchant. Region pricing indicates that the cost for that is thousands of gold - just in dust.

Compare that with Shards whos price has been low the entire launch and that the most a recipe needs is 15 shards.

Crystal prices are almost to the point of being equal to Dust, which is wild considering we have no regular source from Mythic 0s, M+, or Raids.

Unlike previous expansions, Enchanting does not have the ability to “shatter” higher rarity materials into lower rarity and so this problem may get worse as time goes on with less greens being available through questing.

I don’t think proposing a solution is particularly helpful here, in my experience, Blizzard likes to come up with their own - so I’m hoping that they implement something to help this before demand for enchants causes Dust to require an organ for purchase.


The prices on the auction house are way inflated too. It’s like 100 something gold for one piece of dust.


enchanting mats are always expensive at the start of an expansion and then plummet as it goes on and the market becomes more saturated.


I agree - having played for 16 years and leveled Enchanting for every expansion, to the max except Shadowlands, I’ve never seen it like this.

To make it worse, Tailoring’s first set of craftable gear disenchants to shards instead of dust.

On top of that, it seems like green world drops found in the wild just don’t happen like they used to.

Dusts were 170 yesterday when I checked.


Enchanting mats can be obtained (slowly) via herbing and mining as well as disenchanting.

It is the beginning of an expansion, so mat costs are extreme due to demand by people wanting to level their professions… nothing new there.

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Again, I recognize its early and things may change on their own, but shattering is a way that allowed for the materials to become saturated in the past and that doesn’t exist. I hope you folks are wrong, but I won’t be happy in a month when you’re not.


Not to mention the fact that enchanting is somehow a gathering profession that can utilize crafting orders. Dust is already tough to come by, even with disenchanting spec. Why am I giving the trainer my hard-earned dust for a couple of knowledge points when I need all that dust just to make one (partial) recipe?


Eh, the crystal thing isn’t too wild. There is a regular source for it right now, darkmoon trinkets. That’s why they’re inexpensive even though it’s the beginning of the expac before m0. There’s no good source for dust.

Yea, thats not a good sign. Historically Crystals have been rare until dungeons and raids open that can drop epics. Because the Decks are so cheap, Crystals have fallen off.

That isn’t really a problem on its own, but it is a problem when compared to Dust.

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I think the main issue is there are no starting green tailoring patterns. Like typically you have a few green patterns to start with then you create a bunch and DE them. Well all the starters are blues, so you get the shards. This increases the amount of shards on the AH and you have to farm for greens. Even if you get the PVP or profession equipment, you need the thread that requires dust to make so you can’t generate extra dust there either.

I am full DE specialized, main tree and dust, and halfway through shards. And nope, I don’t get much dust, it is typically silver or gold but not a significant increase in quantity.


That makes a lot of sense. I know tailoring/enchanting is a popular combination which would make that a common thing.

The problem is, there’s no recipe for breaking down CrystalShardDust this expansion like there has been in the past. I don’t know if this is intentional or just an oversight, but either way, it’s not a good thing. Once again, enchanting gets screwed over. In DF we didn’t really have crafting orders until Enchanted Crest were implemented. Now we’re screwed over by having qualities applied to our materials on top of having the ways which we get Dust nerfed.


Yep, this was called “shattering” in previous expansions like I mentioned and I can only imagine this is an oversight.

The only other times we haven’t had this was WOD and Classic

It would be helpful if crafted items outside of pvp were green

you can disenchant profession equipment - I am not sure what you get or whether is it cost effective though

Not effective as you need bolts that require dust. So you can kinda do it to level the prof, but not to generate additional.

not for tailors maybe but leather workers make green profession equipment - I know some require hides you get from one hour cds, so they might not be cost effective either

That doesn’t seem too far off depending on the recipe choice, but still pretty rough and i’m sure prices would adjust to make it only marginal if it ever becomes disparate.

Completely agree. Zero chance I max either tailoring or enchanting unless something changes.

I already have a job and don’t need or want another one.


While the comparative value of dust and shards is worth paying attention to, it’s hard to judge this early when greens are still coveted for ilvl and enchanters are leveling up in mass using all dust recipes.
There’s also a chance blizzard wanted dust to be more valuable than DF instead of cratering to 1 gold most of the expansion.