With the ongoing celebration of WoW Classic’s anniversary, I’d like to propose a change that would improve the gameplay experience for many players: allowing accounts to create both Alliance and Horde characters on the same PvP realm.
Key Points:
This Change Happened in Classic TBC – During The Burning Crusade Classic, this restriction was lifted in a later phase. Many of us would love to see it implemented sooner, ideally in or around the pre-patch, rather than waiting for a later phase again.
Increased Player Engagement – Many players want to experience both factions without being forced to play on multiple servers.
Improved Social Experience – Friends often play different factions, and being restricted to one per realm limits group play.
Balanced Population Management – This change could help mitigate faction imbalance by giving players the freedom to switch.
Retail Precedent – This restriction was removed in later versions of WoW, and Classic’s community could benefit from the same flexibility.
Given the ever-changing landscape of Classic, and since this was already part of Classic TBC, it makes sense to consider enabling it earlier this time around. Many of us would appreciate the chance to enjoy both factions without waiting until a later phase.
I personally would love to be able to raid with both my horde IRL friends as well as my sweaty parsing alliance friends and old guild mates i’ve created so many memories with.
I have an undead shadow priest I abandoned at level 40 because my friends all switched from Horde to Alliance. I would still love to play her but alas I cannot restore the character as long as I have a max level Alliance main on the server.
No, because blizzard is making an effort to balance factions. Currently you can’t create horde characters on the pvp server because of faction imbalance, but if the change you propose goes in people will create alliance toons til the factions appear balanced just to create a horde toon and then never play the alliance ones
collusion is going to happen no matter what. Both factions have accounts with priests to do MC’s for rend buffs and MC’s for resetting ony timers.
As SVG said in the post though, this limitation was removed in original release of TBC Classic in later phases. However, with only 1 pvp server being available if anyone wants to re-roll factions for TBC release in november, they’d currently have to delete all their toons.
Removing the limitation in pre-patch instead of waiting until a later phase in TBC would allow for faction re-rolls without the deletion of an entire acct worth of chars.
Blizzard better come up with something before TBC, or the faction you play currently will be what you play for the entire Anni run. Either another PvP server with free transfers, or allow this change.
Honestly though, I doubt they will do anything competent if anything at all. Blizzard deleting player data/chaacters during the '19 run shows how sh*t Blizzard is now. This is the worst team to have ever managed vanilla, so I truly expect nothing and if you want to switch faction just fully delete everything or xfer them for $25 a pop to the PvE server
A second account won’t help you if you want to play horde on nightslayer. at least this time around blizzard is trying to maintain faction balance and allowing one account to create toons for both factions would make that chore more difficult than it already is
This is misinformation. I personally know multiple players who have both horde and alliance accounts under the same battlenetID on nightslayer. Each one has only had to wait minutes before the opposite faction is unlocked and they can create their toon.
I just want to reiterate that the restriction was removed in classic TBC. My request isn’t for a new change that never happened. I’m simply requesting that blizzard move the date in which it changed up a few months to prepatch for TBC (or sooner (or at least give us a response so we know what to plan for)).