Empty Mythic Lockout

I just recieved a mythic lockout by joining my raid team, then kicked from the instance and cannot join the instance I was already in, to raid with my guild.

Likely related to the current ongoing server issues. Keep an eye on the following thread for updates:


My support ticket was answered and marked solved by someone who clearly didn’t read the ticket at all.

Hopefully this can get resolved so i can progress Mythic Court :frowning:

This likely was related to yesterday’s issues.

Unfortunately, GMs aren’t going to be able to reset lockouts or distribute loot.

This should have been fixed from this morning’s maintenance, as far as what was happening. Side-effects from yesterday, however, aren’t something we can usually ‘fix’.


So the cause of the issue is fixed, but the actual issue isn’t going to be fixed.

I appreciate the quick response. Disappointing, but I guess I can understand as i’m sure i’m far from the only person to have an issue like this happen from yesterday.

Well, the actual issue is what was happening.

Your specific issue is really a side-effect. Yes, it’s YOUR issue - but it wasn’t the causative issue.

Sometimes, depending on what happened, our developers can do things to mitigate damages - but in a case like this, I don’t believe that’s possible.