Empowered abilities for other classes

Whats a current ability from your main class that you want or could see becoming an empowered ability like the Evokers have. Or if you could make a new ability to be empowered what would it be. For me I would like summoning a celestial to have the “option” (like a talent node choice) to be empowered. I do like summoning celestials instantly but if I had the chance to make them more powerful or add more abilities the more I empower them could it be cool.

Reddit post

For disc priests i could see barrier become empowered

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If you hold the Rogue “Empowered Backstab” button for 6 years, they… nevermind, they’ll never makes Rogues relevant.


What are you talking about. Rouges are getting massive buffs next week tuesday

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Brewmasters need an “empowered brew” option. The longer you hold it down, the more they drink, until they black out and fall over, which allows them to forget how much Blizzard hates them.


Wasnt a fan of Rogue for years. But I made 1 of each class for professions and I found Assassination suprisingly fun. Rogues got shafted hard for hero talents though imo. I alteast thought you guys were gonna get a Warden hero talent tree like Maiev.

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I really hope none of the classes I like get empowered spells, sorry! Resto druid currently has grove guardians, which have three charges and a significantly reduced cooldown (so you can choose to use 1/2/3 at a time) and I think this is an okay compromise.

There’s just too much movement in the game nowadays, I think if anything more things should be castable while moving or become instant cast (or make less movement mechanics all the time in dungeons and raid)

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none, i don’t think it’s a good or fun mechanic unless if for melees you can still do autos during

Lmao yeah. Brews still fun but requires more work to be as good as other tanks. I like other tanks alot especially guardian, only one not fan of is blood dk. They are good I just suck at them.

Absolutely nothing. Keep that garbage mechanic for the garbage class.

I could see maybe and I mean maybe Execute or Colossus Smash being empowered as a choice. But that might mess up the flow but man seeing the massive damage happen could be worth it.

Death Grip

Just kills em if they charge it

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Hell yeah lol. Or grab multiple or stun em. That would be kinda scary if it could stun you for 1-3 seconds.

    • Assassination
      • Nerub-ar 2-piece set bonus - Vile Tincture max stacks reduced to 5 (was 10).
      • All ability damage increased by 3% (does not affect PvP).
      • Mutilate damage increased by 40% (does not affect PvP).
      • Ambush damage increased by 40% (does not affect PvP).

Outlaw is the lowest played, lowest performing spec game wide currently and is completely ignored.

Shadowstrike is not being buffed, nor is any of Sub’s cooldown kit.

Assassination is receiving buffs to two of it’s lowest parsing damage abilities - namely generators. Mind you that 40% increase on base of both of these two skills is slated to be under 50,000 dps increased in game where 1mil+ single target is the standard.

No. Just no. “massive buffs” is just flat out misleading.

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It needs something to differentiate itself from Unstable Affliction. Hold to charge, more charge more damage longer duration maybe a fear or AOE component.

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Idk if its just me but Sub feels weird and clunky in open world. I could just be bad with it though.

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Sub functions entirely off a 45 second cooldown dps window that got absolutely gutted with no remorse recently

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A fear component feels like it could def fit with Haunt based on name alone.

Empowered pick pocket. Fully charge it to steal more gold.

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How would you fix Rogue right now. It seems like its been in a weird spot for this expansion. I cant say for other expansions since I never payed much attention to them, but the Rogue community feels very vocal this expansion about not being pleased about their class. Again cant say enough your hero talents feel low effort, it def deserves more love especially since there are multiple big Rogue characters in lore.