Employees leaving Blizzard due to RTO

Me I just went back into the office but then I lived close anyhoo and the pay is good. Not everyone did and quite a few did quit others went ahead and retired. Everyone has to make the best choice for themselves according to changing situations.

In this situation Actiblizz made a decision, the workers will make their decision and what happens, happens.

Is the worgen referring to a Forbes article as… evidence? An article published by an organization owned by the sleezy billionaire who literally wrote ‘How Capitalism will Save Us’?

God, that’s so boot I can’t even laugh.


The :salt: is real.

The lazy workers will quit and the new bloods that wants to have a job due to a 25+ year loan plan on their degree will work

Has nothing to do with lazy or not. Just making the decision on what is best for each individual. For some that was going back to Irvine and for others it means moving on to positions elsewhere.


All over the internet.

I wish the hell I would make a works cited post for someone who ain’t gonna read it nor admit they’re wrong.

Yeah, this person has peaked on this topic. lol

“Lazy workers”
Y’all have some strong opinions on people’s work ethic for a bunch of nerds on a forum.


Oh, because it doesn’t exist? Thanks for that bombshell…

California imports people with advanced degrees who make high salaries, and exports people without degrees who can’t afford to live here.

Which is fine.

Although the state definitely needs to ban air-bnb and institute a vacancy tax on people taking housing off-market just so they can have an “investment”. Which is our #1 problem, here.

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Right, could of fooled me with the mass amount of homeless. Cali is not exporting anyone.

I want an extended poop-map of the whole state.

Oh you mean make the poor live in the street and have San Francisco be covered with :poop: and needles?

That’s your definition of “exporting” right

California has had homeless people since the Great Depression, because the weather here doesn’t kill you if you have to sleep outside.

California had homeless people when Schwarzenegger was governor.
California had homeless people when Reagan was governor.


Oh hey it’s somebody who lives on youtube. Go away.

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I could have fooled you by pretending to throw a ball. People who are homeless for long periods of time tend to migrate south and west because being homeless during the winter is unpleasant in CA but potentially fatal in MN.


It is not the weather that is keeping them here. A ton of documentaries show it is the benefits and ease of obtaining them. Weather is not the main reason, look at Seattle.

But it’s strange that it wasn’t that big of an issue unlike now since you give the addicts the needles this time…

Again, please explain Seattle area. Those who are interviewed constantly state their reason and it mainly comes to not needing to work.

“A ton of nutso documentaries I found on youtube IT MUST BE TRUE”
-Sniffz & Zumakind

(And, of course, the irony that these things they’re quoting were made by youtubers from home. See thread genesis. :rofl: )

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Right because California state income tax is the 2nd highest in the country so when people making $200k, their 25% of their salary is gone to the state and federal taxes

Anyone thinking state income tax is the greatest thing are insane