Employees leaving Blizzard due to RTO

It wasn’t random. Brewa was spouting the same typical nonsense socialists use. Did you not read the thread?

“I faxed my post to the Blizzard, but I was out of toner! I can’t find my mouse pointer because there’s a big flashing window saying I won a trip to Cancun!”


Oh I’m sorry, did you finally get your years in to understanding the basics of Microsoft Excel?

It is not all “boomers” some of it is people who watch some very loud talking heads who make videos at their work from home studios. :woman_shrugging:

I think some of it is just lack of exposure to most modern office based jobs that don’t have a live customer interface. For almost 20 years the tech to do things on computers online has been there and some just don’t realize how easy that is, and how easy it is to keep tabs on people and ensure quality work is turned in on time.

Others are just grabbing social media buzz words and talking points for trolling.

Just because something is hard for you, does not mean it would be hard for everyone. There is a TON of software used in business. Nearly everything has a computer based aspect and much of it is specialized software, some is custom. Like the design tools Blizzard uses internally. You probably can actually use Excel fairly well, but you resorted to trying a personal jab when someone outright cited their real life example that did not match what you are pushing.


To be clear, I’m not arguing that this is an incorrect way of viewing things, but surely you see there are some things which are easier to learn when someone teaches you in person, as opposed to through screens

Which is the funniest part. :laughing:


Cause every home has an office with soundproof walls and no kids, spouse, pets, neighbors, and no distractions where the remote worker can plug in and get something done with no distractions.

I mean I am not an advocate of office work if the work can be accomplished remotely, but this is just a bad take lol.

They earned it.

Both sides of the argument have there advantages and disadvantages. There’s no silver bullet here.

Yes, yes I know, I know :joy:

No, actually, I got my QKA certification - fortunately my company paid for it, otherwise it’s pricey. I’ve considered going for the QPA, but I can’t say that I’m super interested in actuarial work. Keeping on top of ERISA and DOL updates is tiring enough as it is. Hardly anyone has a pension plan anymore anyway, which makes the work more niche, but it does use a lot of Excel so I guess that makes it unskilled work in your book.

Maybe you should apply instead! Once you’ve got the worksheets figured out that’s all you need, right?

Nah, I can just hand it off to the hundreds of undergrads twenty years younger than you and they’ll figure it out, for less pay.

The issue is when Corporate refuses to see that. That what used to work is not going to be the best option for everyone going forward. That talented people don’t want to live in high cost of living cities with long commutes. That having flexibility for a hybrid work environment, where it is suitable, is important to retain staff and keep them productive and happy. They no longer want beer kegs, a gym, and lunch. They want to be able to afford a house, raise a family, and have time to get some exercise and fresh air.

The old style tech hub workplace is simply going to evolve into something with a core staff there. Perfect for those who thrive in that environment. There won’t be a ton of individual offices and cubicles. Instead you will have people in on travel or for meetings/demos, even training. Smaller footprint, but more collaborative space for the in person group stuff that has to still happen.

The Blizzard offices are actually quite nice but the cost of living, inability to buy a house, and commutes are killer.

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Massive citation needed please.

X to doubt:

By the way, there are a ton of these narcissistic videos plastered all over the interenet on how ‘tough’ software engineers have it.

Ah but you see, according to these people, their take is “hot and fresh and different”

See, I could understand if it was over pay or something that is handled by the company, even sympathize (maybe).

But this is all over people refusing to come to work because they have to physically move out of their house.

That blows my mind.

Yes we know. Thinking hurts your brain Brito. I sympathize with your struggle


Guys if you don’t like your company’s policy then leave, stop telling them what to do.

If im working in a glue production company and they demand me to wear a rainbow-colored hazmat suit and be at the office in 4AM, i would either do it or find another job, its the best outcome for both side.

At least I can walk ten feet without requiring a break. Or did your company provide the wheelchair so you don’t have to use your legs at all?

So, I’m getting the feeling buying WoW with 6 month sub. was just a crappy time?
Do we have 6 months before it all dies…LOL