How does it work out for you? Going into work physically sucks regardless, but the 2 days you’re in office are you able to effectively communicate with your co-workers things that are difficult to communicate over e-communication
Naming a few of these companies shouldn’t be an issue since most of them do it, as you claim. I’ll be over here waiting on a response that I’ll never get because you made that up.
The days I go in suck indeed. I’m not too far out from the office either (about 20k’s/12’ish miles) but need over an hour to get there, and another hour out. It’s just added stress with a compounding amount of things that can go wrong.
Much the same. It had value in the training phase as I didn’t have to call up for help I guess.
Normally I have a corner of the office all to myself… Not much different than working from home tbh… Except I need to chuck some pants on.
Most of us don’t come in on the same days, so it’s still lonely. We still use Zoom for meetings even if we’re in the office.
Correct. I actually have done research on this for private companies and currently for the federal government. I’ve published for both.
This is consistent across the board. I try to not argue with people who don’t actually get paid to research and understand these things, but it’s refreshing when people like you are paying attention.
Where I work we have the same workforce as before. Our sales have just been going up double digits because everyone is more productive and our output is way higher than before.
When ending remote work was floated, I said you’ll need to slash revenue forecasts by 40% or so to compensate, because we simply won’t be able to maintain this level of output if we go back to the old inefficient ways of in-office work.
Offices are not productive places. They’re a noisy, ineffectual mess. ESPECIALLY in an increasingly globalized work setting where we spend way more time talking to people in Mumbai, or Tokyo, or Berlin than we do the person down the hall.
Wait ten years. Studies from the World Economic Forum and Goldman Sacch’s are showing that strictly WFH also has adverse affects, and that Hybrid scheduling is best.
Plus, WFH employees shrank over the last two years, so it must not be that stellar.
Blizzard need to move their HQ to foreign countries, where they actually get stuff done instead of snitching, striking, sabotaging and suing the company.
Management, absolutely. Businesses succeed in spite of upper management, not because of it. They make stupid decisions, the workforce has to fix their mistakes, and then upper management retires with a golden parachute in “reward” for all the damage they’ve done.
I knew some friends, a number of years ago, who worked at a large firm that hired a new executive. He literally lined up people against a wall, and walked down randomly pointing at people to be fired.
Company shut down 2 years later because he’d fired a bunch of the people that were critical to running the business.