Emerald Reapers is currently recruiting! We are currently recruiting for those who show HIGH interest in dominating World PVP, and Rated Battlegrounds. We also do Mythic + for gearing. Below is some more information about The Reapers.
World PVP: Our primary focus is small scale world pvp. This is where we get on our bikes, and RP as bikers, and crush Alliance Opponents. Motorcycle, Wolf, or Wyvern mounts are a requirement when we do wpvp. (Warmode Required)
Rated Battlegrounds: We do rated battlegrounds about 3 days a week. We run rated battlegrounds Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays @8pm server. Discord is a requirement to participate in rbgs.
Roleplay: We also participate in light roleplay as Emerald Dream’s only biker club.
Marlee#11550 - Flady (GM)
Vursula#1415 - Vursula (Head Officer)
Socoolish#1414 -Toocool (Head Officer)
Follow us on Twitter @ReapersED!