<Emerald Reapers> Motorcycle RP-PVP

Thank you for your concern and criticism! The GM of HSA has gone Alliance and is now the GM of a guild called nWo. They have transitioned from a biker club themed guild to a wrestling themed guild. Have a great night :slight_smile:


Thank you Kindly Kristopher :slight_smile:


Bumpity Bump Bump! Come join us! Our numbers are growing! I need more bikers! :smiley:

Do you all ride mechano hogs?

We do, and the tri bike as well. :slight_smile:

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Some fun wpvp today! Come join us to get in on the action! :slight_smile:

Come join us in world pvp, rbgs and other shenanigans!! :smiley:

You guys need to make a guild called wolfpack and feud with them.

Looking for more bikers and wpvpers :grin:

I mean you guys seem cool but I don’t think I’ve seen you often or at all. Well maybe once.

We’re out a lot actually, just not in the normal RP events. Though I think you have seen me at a couple RP events.

Night bump

Cool guild.

I’d join, but some poser stole my name. So, I’m stuck playing with all the bad players on Tichondrius.


Those commit treason will be brought to justice.

afternoon bump :slight_smile:

Evening bump. I always need more Creapers to kill!

thanks metalbeard :slight_smile:

If you are interested in WPVP, RBGS, and some RP come join us!

late night bump :slight_smile: