Emerald Nightmare: Can't get to Cenarius



July 29th, 2022 in patch 9.2.5 of Shadowlands. Still
 Cleared all bosses and Malfurion won’t display the option to continue onto Cenarius
 Wtf, Blizzard.

Spongebob intro 
 Many. Years. Later 

still bugged.

happen to me on Retail, during pre dragonflight patch, as of today 25-Nov-2022.

Solution I found was to create a group and add one of my characters that have the skip, then I joined with the other char (which got locked with the other dead bosses) and used the skip, when I logged back on the original char the way to Cenarius was open as expected.

PS: you could also ask for someone that have the skip to fix it to you, but keep in mind the person will be locked of the other bosses if they didnt kill them yet

december 2022 and still bugged lmao

fitting for the nightmare i guess

Whomever Blizz employee whose job is fixing this stuff aren’t you a bit ashamed of yourself by now, still bugged

February 2023 still bugged. Ran heroic on two characters, not a single time was I able to get past this bug.

I think this is something that only occasionally happens. Bugs like that are hard to figure out, even if it isn’t clear it’s been looked at seriously. I ran the raid a couple of times on normal last week and didn’t run into this.

The bug is caused by zerging things too quickly. I ran into the same issue with a different raid. You have to putz around and let the bosses phase some. You have to let the RP play out as well. You can’t kill them too fast. Put away any pets. Run around them to activate them and wait a bit. This is not true for all bosses but a lot of them it is.

Still an issue, just encountered it today. I blitzed bosses and accepted the quest, I guess one of them did it. Smh blizz, fix your game please.

Still bugged. Tried logging out and back in. Tried leaving. Hearth and came back. Reset instance. None of it fixed it.

Thank you, this helped. I ran into the bug on heroic but switched to mythic and got through. I’m not sure what you specifically need to do, but I just afked for 30 seconds at the start of each fight except for Il’gynoth since that one takes a bit anyway.

Still bugged as of 10/28/2023
 I just wanted to finish my Sharptalon quest too D:

Xavius bugged, cant get to last boss, tried everything. including dying/reloading.

I also cant leave the raid. lol