Maelstrom, Lightninghoof, Venture Co are grouped servers together yet we get constantly put up against 1/10 horde from emerald dream. I don’t want to turn off WM but you are forcing me to have to. Anytime a crate drop or battle happens in nazjatar there is litterally 20+ horde from emerald dream vs our 3-5 alliance willing to try.
Why is this allowed? Emerald dream needs their own phase like tichondrius or darkspear. Let the small servers play vs small servers.
Funny you complain about the horde. I have run into a similar problem with the alliance almost daily with their 20-40 man groups. At the end of the day its pvp, there is an option to opt of of it.
The smaller servers get tossed into the same shard as ED because Blizzard wants you guys to have a “full world”. This comes at the expense of ED’s server community - we often can’t see people from our own server or even from the same guild standing at the same spot as us because of Sharding forcing us to share the same space with folks from other servers rather than folks from our own server. We have to form a party with guildmates just to be able to see them half the time.
A lot of people on ED don’t like it any more than you guys do.
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