Emerald Dream is growing!

Just a friendly post to inform everyone that Emerald Dream has grown by 2,000 Alliance and 2,000 Horde! Good job everyone!



Do you know if there’s a RP hot spot on ED? I’ve been gone a few years and RP seems to have disappeared from the server.


Most of it is in guilds. We do RP events through the EDC community discord


So there’s no world stuff anymore? Or is the Discord used to plan those events? I miss the Goldshire Inn and the tavern the mage tower. People used to hang out there and just engage in RP.


People dont just hang out in the world really anymore, not unless its a planned thing.

We plan things like that in EDC discord though. Our weekly tavern crawl we go to different places, last week we had a wine tasting in Suramar… Trying to encourage more world RP, but participation in the game overall is just low in Shadowlands. Have seen more start to come back tho.



also just a side note, that’s a 25% growth to the horde side and a 33% growth to the alliance side over the span of 1 month. what we are doing to grow the server is working. I don’t know what everyone else is doing but as far as the RBG scene I take every chance I get to promote Emerald Dream not just for my guild but also in general.


I encourage you, as well as everyone else over on the Alliance, to start utilizing Stormwind more. Valley of Strength is still a great hangout spot on Horde side, but the Trade District seems to never be populated anymore. Just remember that you can’t always wait for the social interaction to come to you. Get out and talk to strangers. Also, don’t forget to keep WM on to preserve the heart and soul of ED culture. Have fun out there!


Yeah, I usually walk slowly around and emote at people to see if there’s an interest. Thanks for the tip.


I’ve been thinking about a weekend event in the Cathedral Square for a while now. I am always IC on any character when I play. It’s fun! Their are many people out there who are not and will never be in the EDC. Just keep that in mind. My experience with them was extremely toxic. Thank God for Social Contract,

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Since its late in the xpac, we should revive Stormwind!

Make it a hub for RP, Guild recruitment, pvp, dueling etc…


ED has always been a weird server, much different from the rest of wow lol!


Believe it or not, I love that about ED. I’ve been around when it comes to servers, but I am liking ED the most out of anything that I’ve been on. Not saying it’s perfect, not saying every one is someone I want to hang out with, but that aside, I am really enjoying myself here.


as a recruiter i have noticed a lot of people transferring off of the realm, i try to stop them but they already made up their minds by the time i get to em. even so, theres even more transferring TO emerald dream than from. bounties came back today, glad to see him back.


I really expect more fights and more activity as Dragonflight approaches. I have seen quite a few old names return to play, and on Emerald Dream.

Ahhhhh I reminisce of the golden days of wpvp… I hope we can have another good time for everyone to enjoy again.


Given the new incentives being added in Dragonflight for WPVP and knowing the nature of the beast that is Emerald Dream I’m looking forward to a lot of fun engagements.

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Yeah, Bounties was a real P.I.T.A. back in the day. That darned emote of his ‘Bounties introduces himself’. lol Nothing but love.

For some reason, I immediately thought of that scene in 1984 where the female broadcaster is celebrating the cost of goods coming down and giving updates on the war, so I read this entire post in that voice.

Congrats, comrades!

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And in even numbers, kinda surprised there wasn’t more horde. Really lookin’ forward to the new guys tho glad the server is growing


10 characters required to post? f* h*

If you’re new to Emerald Dream and looking to connect with some of the guilds here, let me know! I’d love to facilitate.