Emerald Dream druid form marks - ABYSMAL drop rates!

Yeah, really wish the rares with marks spawned faster.

I’m at 3/6 and have been for while.

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It’s been 3 weeks. You’ve still got 47 weeks to go in this expansion :slight_smile:

I know, and it sucks. I wasn’t around when it was added, and now I can’t complete any of the content that requires multiple people. It’s a waste.

Hyperboles are not your friend. You and i came back around the same time. The zone is dead but the parts requiring multiple people are still sharded so they are there if you are when you need to be.

Rest of the zone can be soloed

I am currently logging in and out at Moragh the Slothful’s cave trying to get that sweet brown and green bear form. It’s the last of them I’m interested in.

Didn’t know how lucky I was to get the runebear form from world boss yesterday, my second time killing it.

So far I have runebear, two dino travel forms, two owl forms and an owl bear I didn’t even know I had or how I got it. I think all of the cat forms are ugly but may do the one where you fill up all the vials just to have it. I’ve always really loved my Kul Tiran twigs and berries cat form better than any of the other variants.

But…I’m on three kills of Moragh and still no form drop, so my luck may have run out. He’s so cool looking though, really want him.

I’m still at 0! Kill all the rares every day, and the world boss every week… bad luck protection would also be great. I greatly dislike spending hours every day waiting for spawns. :sob:

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That’s not correct. I beeline to every rare spawn when they appear on the map. Nobody shows up. Talk about hyperbole. Don’t tell me what my experiences are. You’re arrogant and aggressive for zero reason.

Yes it is. Unless you’re playing on extremely “off hours”, people are constantly farming the rares. How long you hang around before deciding “no one shows” may be part of the problem.

You’re on a “full” server. I’m on a full server. Rares go maybe 5 minutes TOPS from the time they spawn to the time they’re dead. It’s usually about 2 minutes though as people fly from one to the other.

It’s not being aggressive. It’s just stating facts. Stop playing the victim.

I have owl bear, owl form the 2 bats the butterfuly, Owl bear but missing runebear and the kitty form…

I play on a EST server but I am PST time zone. I have to wait till past mid night on PST to even get a change an the elite. Usually past 2am. Is not good for my health lol.

0 on the bosses. But I got all other at least. My luck is terrible. Blizzard hate me im telling ya

I feel like the chances are set on each account. My friend has done each one maybe two to three times and has the Runebear and all but one of the rares. Killed that WB twice and plays like 2 hours a week and has already quit this patch lol. I do it every day and have nothing to show for it. The respawns are abysmal too. Ristar is the only one that’s remotely fair. I either hear about how people get it for no effort or people don’t have it and are spending hours daily. I’m about done with that time sink myself though.

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Absolutely absurd the legendary wasn’t druid focused.

It should have been druid or shaman considering the xpac is also primal elements themed, but leave it to Blizzard to be totally incoherent and decide 2H strength plate users needed yet a 3rd 2H legendary.

Ok, so this is getting crazy. I’m still at 0/6 and no world boss drop, which I figured would be a tough one to get. I assumed it’s something I’d be revisiting in future expansions each week.

But literally all I do is camp rares now. I come home from work and spend every moment waiting for one to spawn… and I haven’t even seen Talthonei for days now. The other day I spent over 3 hours killing mobs and no spawn, and today I’ve been out there for almost 3, and no spawn. And I’m on a dead realm and it’s 3am, so it’s not peak play time… I haven’t even seen another person out here since I zoned in, lol.

I don’t mind waiting for spawns, and I realize these are just cosmetics, but it’s a bit silly that the drop rates are so low.

So far my bag is full of blues that I can sell, I’ve made thousands on grey trash and I have 40 Plump Dreamssed/136 Small Dreamseed.

And I was accused of botting once, because I was following the same path over and over to kill the mobs in the Fields of Reverie, and I guess that person didn’t realize there’s a rare that spawns from killing the mobs, so that was nice.

Blizzard… help a poor Druid out! <3

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Most are just annoying due to RNG, but the new aquatic form is the worst offender IMO, simply because you have to stay in the raid, and fish and it took me 45 minutes to get the fish needed.

U know u can just fish the thing staight up in first pound in LFR right.

Straight up the fish on frist try and the u just drop in back and u good to go

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I did exactly that, but it still took 45 minutes of fishing due to RNG. If you read my post you will see I was talking about the RNG of catching the fish needed.

And therein lies my issue with that form in particular, almost all the other forms are from rares in the open world, so you can do other things while waiting for the rares to spawn. The aquatic form, you are stuck in an instanced form of content and therefore really can’t do much else, so it really feels like more time wasted than other forms.

The first week it was bugged and u didnt need to fish all 20 fish. U could get the item on first try.

I still prefer fish for 45min than have a low chance to kill a boss with a low chance drop rate

Not talking about the raid boss form, talking about the ones from rares in the open world, did you not read my post again. I rather it be from open world rares, that way I can do other things while waiting for the rare to spawn.

Yeah I did. And its not my fault u dont understand.

In my case I said I prefer fishing than rare in openworld. Cause the 3h respawn for a low chance drop is a joke. Not my fault u dont understand difference of opinion.

And like I said in first 2 week fishing was bugged and u had 100% chance on first fish to drop the thing without the need to drop all other. Bug I guess u cant read… see …