Same issue.
I assumed it was due to the 9.1.5 soulbind catch-up quest resulting in some phasing issue for Emeni on this quest (since you already then have unlocked her as a soulbind). But would like to have all quests completed rather than see an eternally incompletable quest on Emeni.
Having the same issue . november 3rd 2021
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Same issue, its to annoying
Same, it’s an urgent issue
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Add me to the list of Emeni-less saddies.
Emeni phases out for me too, exactly as depicted in an earlier post that included a video.
Same issue here.
I’ve even completed my campaign at this point and have my Bonesmith Heirmir soulbind. What was really funny was during the cutscene while I was soulbinding with Heirmir, I could also see Emeni flailing about like I was soulbinding with her. I had hoped maybe I’d get both soulbinds when it was done, but alas no such luck.
I suspect there’s something broken with the first chapter of the campaign. Because despite having completed the entire campaign and unlocking my ‘third’ soulbind, the campaign still shows 8/9 chapters completed and it’s the first chapter (Loyal to the Primus) that shows in white text without the checkmark next to it.
I’m experiencing this as well.
swapped from night fae but i didnt use the 40 renown item so the quest popped up at 5 but same deal, accept quest and she fades out never to be seen again.
Experiencing the same issue as everyone else. I have gone through the storyline after swapping and even progressed well beyond the required quest. I’ve also upgraded the Construct tables and all this has yielded no fixes.
Really hope they fix this stuff fast because soulbinds are kind of a key feature of the expansion.
Sad that this is still an issue and we’re stuck and not able to get our second soulbind. Typical blizzard not able to fix we’ll known bugs
Same issue, blizz support keeps giving the canned answers of needing to complete the side quests in order to get the soulbind to be available even though I have completed the side quests and the entire campaign.
Still broken, will check when I get home.
Emeni just appeared for me and I was able to soulbind. She appeared after I completed ‘Return Lost Souls’ and ‘Return More Lost Souls’ while running both torghast wings (I checked between wings/quests and she had not appeared at that point). My campaign has also disappeared from my quest log now (whereas before I was stuck at 8/9, showing the first chapter incomplete).
Below are the possibilities as I see them.
I think it more likely to be tied to the Lost Souls quests than to TG.
a) it’s been hotfixed
b) Emeni appears after completing both ‘Return Lost Souls’ AND ‘Return More Lost Souls’
c) Emeni appears after completing both Torghast wings
It is now working. I dropped the quest, picked it back up, and successfully performed the bind. 11/3. 6:24 PM Pacific.
This is the first bit of hope we have. Agree that Blizz is not going to fix - yay. I am on 7/9 for campaign quest, have done ‘Return Lost Souls’ AND ‘Return More Lost Souls’ but only one wing of TG. She has not appeared for me yet.
I did drop the quest just now based on what @Djangoli said and picked it up again. She is still gone. It is not now working. There are still issues.
I am going to try the second wing of TG and see if that helps. Update: Okay - I did both wings of Torgast, did ‘Return More Lost Souls’ AGAIN, and I dropped the quest and picked it up again. She always despawns and never shows up.
Broken AF
I’m having the same issue, and my lvl 60 hasn’t been in another covenant.