Emblems of Heroism from Sons of Hodir dailies is somehow okay?

Please keep RDF out of the game. DONT CAVE IN!


Wrath isnā€™t Classic. We thought we wanted Classic WoW and it turns out most didnā€™t. They wanted Retail Progression Servers.

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So why is it you reply to the level 10 forum account and noone that actually plays the game?

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Want to stick to your pillars than leave them on the dailies, because I can promise you, dungeons will not be a fun social experince, they will be a toxic cesspit of gatekeeping


This just sounds so incredibly alt-unfriendly. Like generally a player gets the ā€œfull experienceā€ of questing on their main, and then for their alts they skip everything possible unless it has some mandatory reward, and switching so much content to mandatory discourages playing alts in WOTLK altogether, let alone buying shop boosts.

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Youā€™d rather have less good emblems and just get heroic dungeon emblems for 2 phases?

When did they take badges out of 10man nax, did I miss this somewhere?

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What part of this is mandatory for alts?


They didnā€™t, they switched heroic badges for raid badges, which is a good change imo. Gives 10 man guilds a boost and those of us who want to do both a great reason to.

Yea thats what I thought they did, and honestly incase everyone forgot you can downgrade badges. Letā€™s say your trinket luck was bad, you can exchange your emblems of valor to heroism, and later your conquest, and your triumph and even your frost. So not sure why that would be a problem. The bigger issue will be that valor is gained so much faster than it originally was.

I wonder what feature nobody wants, and nobody asks for will be included next?


Wonā€™t be that big of an issue honestly, prices didnā€™t change from patch to patch so we know faster raid badges doesnā€™t ruin anything. Heroic dungeon badges only came from 10 man for 2 raids.

Oh Iā€™m not upset about it, honestly since ive got a spot for raiding, I can ignore the dungeon grind anyway, Iā€™m mostly in bis sunwell as it is, which will be fine for Nax 10 and 25.

Eh, weā€™ve got at least week iā€™m still going to go for as much pre-raid as I can :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello, you seem new here, you are the second blue poster I have ever seen on classic tbc forums. Iā€™m taking advantage of this opportunity to ask you to forward our request for dungeon finder to some of the lead devs. There are a plethora of online polls, streamer video comment sections, and the official forums themselves that are chock full of thousands of comments/posts requesting the feature. It seems like the majority of players do indeed want the expansion to be like it was the first time around. We waited patiently for years to play it, and now itā€™s being turned into vanilla. This isnā€™t fair because the players who were big fans of the original game and the TBC expansion got what they wanted, and we were hung out to dry.

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They said it was a bug, what do you think theyā€™re doing?

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ummm no. go earn some gold and get gud.

Stop, touching, wraith.

I know its very hurtful to say thisā€¦ but a better Dev team created Wraithā€¦ You guys are literally selling that gameā€¦ not Wraith Classic +ā€¦ we donā€™t want that.

Its like saying your gonna sell me Gordan Ramsey Beef Wellingtonā€¦ and then you change the recipeā€¦ its not what I came to you for budā€¦ leave it alone.


This. What an absolute shame, so not needed.

Just dont be poor amd buy relcis off the ah.