Ember Court accidentally deleted Third Guest List Page and can't restore it

I’ve unlocked all the ranks in my covenant Sanctum upgrades a few years ago. On 3/2/24 I deleted my Third Guest List Page accidentally without realizing what it was. It was not on the restoration menu but is there any way to restore it?

-Third Guest List Page

I’m not entirely certain which item you are referring to, Zakdeath. There is an Ember Court Guest List, that you receive while doing the quest “Ember Court Guest RSVPs”. I am unfamiliar with a “Third Guest List Page”. Granted, I didn’t select the Venthyr for my covenant, so if someone is more familiar feel free to chime in.

Usually, if an item is provided by a quest you can usually abandon the quest to receive it again when you pick the quest back up.


I don’t think I can redo the quest, I think I completed it a couple years ago and never realized what the item granted. It comes from upgrading the Venthyr Anima Conductor: The Ember Court - Rank 3 - Court Influencer. You get a rare quality consumable item that you consume and it adds the ability to invite the third guest.

It’s also part of the achievement: https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=14679/party-palace

I was clearing out my inventory and didn’t realize what that item and the fourth page items were and deleted them, I was able to restore the fouth page but unfortunately my page three seems not be able to be recovered.

This is the item: https://www.wowhead.com/item=181537/guest-list-page

This is the quest: https://www.wowhead.com/quest=61943/court-influencer

For which character, Zakdeath? The level 70 Goblin Shaman on Illidan? If so, you already completed those quests, as well as Discerning Taste. and used the epic Guest List Page to add a fourth guest at the beginning of March.

Hopefully someone with a bit more experience with this covenant can tell if something is wrong or you may have missed a step. I’ll try to hunt down what I can.

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Yes that is the character I’ve been doing the Ember Court on. I did complete the quest and received the consumable item for the page but I deleted the item before I was able to use the item. I did the same with the fourth page but was able to recover that page but for some reason the third guest list page is unrecoverable in the game.

When I used the fourth page it gave me a three guests to choose from but I think I need to consume the third guest page item to be able to access all four of the guests.

I think my problem is the quest awarded the item to my inventory and I did not consume the item to unlock the feature, I instead discarded it without a way to get the item again or a way to repeat the quest.

Thank you so much for your help in looking into this for me!

Weird, I didn’t know that item could be deleted. O.o

You’ll want to submit a ticket if you haven’t already. We can verify if that first quest has been completed so we can hopefully grant the item so you can receive all four invites.


How did you destroy it? Wowhead says it can’t be destroyed.

That was my question. I’m wondering if the notes on Wowhead might be wrong.

Edit: Nope, just tested it and I can’t destroy the item. Very strange. Your Shaman has powerful voodoo!


Thanks I submitted a ticket. I have no idea how I destroyed an item that can’t be destroyed but that would just be my luck. The odd thing was I was able to restore the fourth page in the item restoration service but the third page is the one that is missing. I was hoping to avoid having to start the Ember Court over on a different character.

Just asking a probably a very obvious but potentially missed question; have you done the quests for the various NPCs in spots 3 or 4 to actually have them attend? It’s been awhile so I can’t recall what the spots look like if you have it unlocked but no guests to actually invite.

It could be possible you did use the 3rd item but just haven’t done the quests to actually be able to invite the guests.

Otherwise yeah. Strong magic is strong in your Shaman!

I did circle back a few times to make sure I did not miss a quest, I guess my Shaman’s voodoo was too much for this page.

I am happy to report that customer service was able to give me a replacement page 3, but the mystery of the deleted page lives on.

Thanks for the help!


I have a similar issue. I completed Discerning Taste but am unsure what happened with the epic Guest List Page. I don’t believe I used the item as I don’t have the option to invite a fourth guest but I haven’t been able to track the item down. It’s not in my bags or my bank and I can’t see it on the item restoration page

You appear to have used it, a few seconds after you used the blue one a few days ago.


So why am I not able to invite four guests?

I have four guests left to invite for the Be Our Guest achievement which will then complete the Back From Beyond meta achieve. Am I not going to be able to complete this now? Oh and I’m aware I could go complete it on an alt but considering the time I have already put it, I don’t want and shouldn’t have to

Oops upon further inspection it is actually the second guest page or slot that I’m missing not the fourth

It sounds like you may have deleted that item by accident at some point. It likely happened too long ago so it isn’t in your deleted inventory for me to see, but a Game Master should be able to verify the quest completion and restore it for you. Good luck.


Where did you go resolve the issue? I am having this exact problem.

They filed a ticket. Says in what you quoted that a GM replaced it. You can only contact a GM through tickets.