Emails being sent out giving "Warnings" to people who were in GDKP's

I wouldnt take anything said by blizzard with a grain of salt. Same with riot games. They hire strange ppl.

Dont do gdkp, dont get ban.

Dont do, dont get.


I’m counting the ones you were planning on running in Phase 2.


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Can you define what “False ban” means?

No. Dont do gdkps.


The game will still be negatively impacted by rmt. Banning gdkp wont help anything. Bots and others still farming gold and boes…20 lvls above them 7 dmg scope selling for 1000g to gold buyers. Yeah how are regular joes supposed to obtain 1000g?

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Because you’re the one who started this thread.

Do you have any evidence to back your claim of me planning to ditch my WoW friends of over a decade, for GDKP’s in phase 2?

They know.

They don’t care.


So you can’t make threads hating on GDKP’s if you’ve ever attended one before in your life?

That dude enjoys pissing people off. Hes said it earlier.

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Someone in that raid did for sure. I’ll bet Blizzard is sending everyone in that raid this email.


I accept your concession.

I can.

I choose not to.

Yes the game will still be affected negatively by RMT.

However alot of RMT was going on in GDKP’s, on GDKPs baing banned gold prices on RMT sites plummeted. That shows us most of their customers were doing GDKP’s.

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Good! You’ve all been warned. Ef around and find out…

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reduced to schizo babble

Anyone else?

It’s adorable that you think you won anything in this thread.

Sure you don’t want that hug?

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What are you afraid of? What is the point of this thread? Don’t do GDKPs and you have nothing to worry about.

So either you’re just irrationally scared, trolling with this thread, or lying and terrified you won’t be able to sneak your GDKPs past Blizz.