Emails being sent out giving "Warnings" to people who were in GDKP's

Can you guys fire whoever wrote this e-mail?


Account Name: WOW#1

Account Action: Warning
Offense: Exploitative Activity: GDKP Raid

This account has been found to potentially be involved in a GDKP raid. This exchange detracts from the integrity of the World of Warcraft game environment.

This behavior will be considered a violation once phase two of Seasons of Discovery is live and will result in suspensions and removal of gains.

The account holder is responsible for all activity on the account. We issue suspensions and closures to protect our players and our service in accordance with our Blizzard EULA:

Further inappropriate behavior may result in additional penalties, including permanent closure, and the removal of exploitative gains. For dispute of this action and further information on exploitive activity, please review our appeal process:

In some cases, these actions happen when a third party compromises an account to sell gold or other in-game property. If you believe your account was compromised, please follow these important instructions:


Customer Service

How hard is it to just say, “Hey we saw you were in some GDKP’s, just reminding you it’s against the rules next phase”.

Edit: Legit went to 1 GDKP ever, this week. Cause my guild wanted a week break till phase 2, and I thought why not. You can check my logs to see this is the case. Ran with them all phase 1, until the last lockout this phase, where I joined a random GDKP.

If I’m full BIS, and my guild takes the last week off. Of course I’m not gonna go to some soft reserve where I don’t need any loot, when I can make 5-10 gold slapping bosses around casually.

Edit: I’m against GDKP’s as well, but it didn’t warrant such a “snarky” (best word for this tbh) e-mail. Not to mention the brief moment of fear when you see an e-mail about an account warning in the Subject field.

Edit: We’re putting you on a watch list, for something you did, that will be illegal next week? With no way to appeal this?

Edit: Any response to the main argument of being put on a watch list with no way to appeal? Also, being put on a watch list is 100% a punitive measure. If you get falsely banned by Blizzard, there’s no guarantee they will even read your appeal.

Edit: At the end of the day, I just don’t like being put on a watch list, with no way to appeal, trusting a NEW (Most likely AI) system from BLIZZARD to not falsely ban me. Nor do I trust Blizzard to rectify false bans.


That’s literally exactly what they did…


Well now you’ve been warned. Don’t do it again. I imagine they’re sending these out to let people know that they can tell now. It’s illustrative.


Accept… “Account Action: Warning”

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OPs name checks out.


Are you good faith enough to quote which paragraph you think I have an issue with?


“Don’t do it in P2”


Further inappropriate behavior may result in additional penalties, including permanent closure, and the removal of exploitative gains. For dispute of this action and further information on exploitive activity, please review our appeal process:

Pretty snarky not gonna lie lmao


I want to give them a raise, common Blizz W


Ya, out of nowhere lmao.
If I’m full BIS, and my guild takes the last week off. Of course I’m not gonna go to some soft reserve, when I can make 5-10 gold slapping bosses around casually.

I’m against GDKP’s as well, but it didn’t warrant such a “snarky” (best word for this tbh) e-mail. Not to mention the brief moment of fear when you see an e-mail about an account warning in the Subject field.


How do you get snarky out of that?


Not to mention my account is probably “flagged” now, and I don’t trust blizzard to rectify a false ban.

They tryna put the fear of God into you. Seemed to work on a few GDKP runners lol.

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it was completely unneeded lol

Mostly by having lived 30 years with a social life.


I think it was def needed. Shows people Blizz can actually track who runs GDKPs pretty consistently. There have been too many people making threads about circumventing the “system” so that they can still run GDKPs. I think this might end up putting that to rest.


I’m sorry you are that timid that a couple paragraphs of the most tame legal speak is enough to mentally break you.


No one wrote this email. No one with a pulse anyways.

They have AI systems checking for GDKP players and warning them now. This is an auto-generated email sent to anyone that their systems detects has done a GDKP raid in recent times.

It’s the system letting you know that it knows. You are on it’s list now. You are being watched.


I’m sorry you got scolded in a paragraph for something that’s not even against the rules


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You’re welcome butter cup.

Sorry blizz sent you mean words.