Elune should have been one of the First Ones

I liked the theory better that Elune herself was one of the First Ones. I also think that would have made more sense.

Throughout the lore, we have seen Elune - stating these in no specific order;

  • Protect Tyrande from Archimonde and Azshara
  • Cleanse the Emerald Nightmare from Ysera’s soul and her own Tear.
  • Turn Satyrs back into Night Elves (remember that quest chain?)
  • The aforementioned Tear is among Titan Pillars of Creation - tools used by the Titans themselves.
  • Elune’s power/the tear unlocking the sealed heart of a Prime Naaru whose core could only be unlocked by one of “(her) line”.
  • Control the sky over Azeroth when making Tyrande the Night Warrior
  • Give Tyrande enough power to overwhelm Sylvanas’ powers from the Jailer
  • Make another Tear capable of replacing Ardenweald’s sigil.
  • And more

All these examples of manipulating, working with or overriding other cosmic forces speak of a being above the level of any Titan, Titan ++, Wild God, Naaru or demon to name a few. But instead we get this cinematic that makes Elune look less capable than her sister’s servant, Bwonsamdi.


Well… The First Ones are all long dead now, so perhaps it is best she isnt one. They are our new puzzle box like the Titans were once: A mysterious, long dead hyper-powerful group with ‘divine’ magi-tech that can shape and twist realities.

The thing is we know more and less about Elune at the same time. We know she is limited, in some ways, she has exhibited a lot of power before… but she seems to refuse to outright break the rules of the First Ones. She only seems to be willing to bend them.

I believe the Naaru stuff was from a point when they were going to make Elune a Light goddess of some sort but backed away from it and set her on team Life instead.

She is, isn’t she?
WHen they said she was the winter queen’s sister I thought that’s what that meant.

EDIT: Whoops nevermind, I thought the Eternal Ones WERE the First Ones.

Eternal Ones of the Pantheon of Death like the Archon, Zovaal, Denathrius and the Primus(who all consider each other Siblings unlike the Winter Queen who sees them as friends) are all created by Zereth Mortis via Magic 3D Printing. There is even a Prototype living there.

The Titans therefore should also be 3D Printed. More specifically as the Pantheon of Order they should be 3D Printed by a Zereth Ordos and since Azeroth’s name is similar to Zereth(A Zereth) one would think the Titans are merely imitations of Azeroth created by the First Ones hooking the Zereth Ordos machinery to her.

Since Azeroth has been equated to the Earthmother that means Elune, the Winter Queen(who is all but confirmed to be the Blue Child) and An’she are her natural True God Children while the Titans are artificially induced births that are merely Imitation Gods.

The fact that the Winter Queen’s Avatar has been assigned to Ardenweald and replicated with Zereth Mortis while Elune and An’she’s Avatars have been assigned to the Pantheon of Life and replicated with Zereth Vitalis hints to the thought process of the First Ones.

The Great Dark Beyond is where the First Ones create imitations of the True Gods’ Bodies and the Shadowlands and Gardens of Life is where they create imitations of the True Gods’ Manifestations.

The Earthmother is basically a giant Planet-shaped Chicken with other Planets serving as her Eggs with the First Ones being her farmers. Titans are Artificially Fertilized Eggs while True Gods like Draenor(called a dying God by a Void Revenant in the Shadowmoon Burial Grounds), Elune, the Winter Queen and An’she are Natural Parthenogenesis.

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All good. The lore’s plenty confusing as is.

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I think the Naaru will end up being a Mu’sha/An’she type thing, where either Elune helped An’she create the Naaru or Khadgar simply got them mixed up due to them being siblings, etc…


Or Light’s Heart’s reaction to the Tears of Elune is infact a hint to the Naaru Prime being First Ones(which considering Naaru are based on Vorlons might very well be the case) which would make Elune one of Xe’ra’s descendants just like O’ros and thus capable of activating Light’s Heart.

I am pretty sure they just didnt think it out very well. As Elune is higher tier than a Naaru, who themselves serve someone(s) greater.


He copied titan lore. thats it. its not original. and i feel like if ive been here so long that the lore is being repeated before they even finish the first story its time for me to move on…

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Well, I never said they were original. Though, I will say we don’t exactly know very much about the Progenitors… so might be a bit early to make a judgement call like that.

IF you are feeling burnt out though, for sure you should step away. I think way too many people cling to WoW way past when their interest level has tanked and they just get hyper negative and critical of anything and everything Blizzard does—Not that they don’t do a lot of silly stuff, but sometimes they do slightly neat things.

Nobody should be one of the First Ones. The First Ones should not be anyone we know, or anyone that ever directly intervenes in our affairs.


I am pretty sure there are seven first ones at this point from what we have, but the Seventh got banished from reality for not going along with their plan to shackle the cosmic forces into a system that produces a physical reality.

It is basically pulling on Tolkien lore and giving WoW its own version of Melkor, who was also a covetous and petty individual who sought to control/rule everything.

…also pretty sure Azeroth is the Progenitor of Order, which is why the Titans mistook her for a stupidly powerful one of their own. She made them, basically.

Well, she’s not a First One, so I guess that’s something you’ll just have to deal with.

Me, since the upcoming raid has machine that can make proto-copies of all the members the Pantheon of Death, I want to know if we can set it to Elune, and print off a copy of her so we can see what she originally was.

Um… did you pay NO attention to the Zuldazar portion of BFA? Bwonsamdi did pretty much all of that minus the purification thing… and that’s just cause he’s the Troll version of Hades from Greek mythology, “purity” isn’t his thing, finality is.

Between THIS and finding out he’s been diverting souls from the Arbiter and the Kyrian, I think it’s safe to say you under estimated even Loa of Graves Bwonsamdi, never mind the fact that he is now THE Loa of Death.


You make a good point. I meant that as powerful as Bwonsamdi is, Elune is supposed to be stronger. Yet that wasn’t shown; Bwonsamdi was more on the ball about what happened in the Shadowlands than Elune.


I do recall the devs stating at one point in response to “who or what is Elune” that she was supposed to be “the closest thing we’ve seen so far to a true god” with several Old gods, Wild gods/Loa, and the Titans introduced at that point… so yeah kinda disappointing, but that was before the new devs took over post Legion.


She even got connections to multiple powers in Legion; purging Ysera and her Tear of the Emerald Nightmare’s corruption, said Tear being alongside Titan tools as a Pillar of Creation, and the Tear unlocking the core of the Naaru Xe’ra. imo Elune was going to be a First One before the latest retcon ball got rolling.


I think they were going to make her some sort of Light goddess before the backed off that, honestly.

I don’t see why Elune would know too much about what is going on in the Shadowlands. It is an entirely different sphere of influence/power to hers as a Life pantheon member. She knew /something/ was wrong over in Death Land, but there is a big gulf between Life and Death—she isnt omnipotent and had no reason to think the Arbiter was basically dead. The Arbiter had been functioning without a hitch for who knows how many millennia.

I am sort of glad they didnt make Elune a First One, because then it makes every bad thing that has happened to the Kaldorei silly and illogical if she could just snap her fingers Q style and revert it.

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Or they could’ve done an “active sustainment” theology

The First Ones (being Deity Level Valar Group) create the universe but in creating the universe have to actively sustain it

So the various Pantheons have different aspects of their varied powers in order to carry out their will, but the First Ones themselves cannot directly intervene because the near totality of their being is focused on sustaining the cosmos.

So they can only directly intervene in rare specific occasions or through intermediaries of power.

e.g. in my AU rewrite stuff, An’she gave Belore a flame of his soul to create each Sun in the cosmos, and Elune gave Hekatis a lamp of her soul to create each Moon in the cosmos, so Anshe/Elune can either do stuff through the Sun/Moon directly, or through their varied Pantheon servants

This was a concept developed during the early days of Islam that was mostly condemned as heresy for obvious reasons (challenges the potency of God)

I actually think they might be doing something sort of like this, which is why Azeroth is in a state of perpetual slumber. The fine details are really hazy atm though.